Chapter 9 - Jane's Story

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It was a feeling Sans couldn't explain. A burning desire to protect someone innocent. Which was odd, because Sans didn't know this guy, he could just sense he didn't deserve to get hurt. Indescribable, yet it came so naturally that it was second nature.

That's why he didn't let Jane hurt the new zombie, who had admitted he had snuck in because he was looking for a place to sleep. The zombie wasn't trying to eat anyone, and he wasn't trying to do anything.

"Sans, move," Jane demanded.

Sans shook his head, gurgling out. No, he couldn't let her kill him.

Like he let the kid kill someone else he cared out.

Sally peaked out from underneath the table, curious to the situation, no doubt.

"No, Sans, you don't understand!" Jane said, gripping onto the knife tighter. "He- I... That zombie is Jeff. The person I've been trying to kill."

When Sans processed what she said, he looked back at the other zombie. Jeff, the new zombie with the thick black hair and pure blue eyes, looked more confused than anyone.

"(Is my name Jeff?)" He grumbled.

They were silent for a moment, everyone processing what was going on. Jane knew this boy from her past, but it was clear he didn't remember. Poor Jeff looked like he just learned what his name was, and he probably did. Sans got his name from his id, Ben got his from a video game save file, and Sally found hers from the pictures in her house.

Sans motioned for him and Jane to talk outside, telling Jeff to stay put. Jane sighed, but followed, giving Jeff a harsh glare as she left.

"(Um... you want a sandwich?)" Ben asked Jeff awkwardly.


Jane sat down onto the sidewalk, arms crossed, no doubt furious her revenge had been stopped by her close zombie friend. Sans sat down next to her, trying to offer a bottle of ketchup to help her mood. She declined.

"Sans, you don't understand," Jane said, resting her chin onto her hand. "It's... He's the reason I'm... like this." She motioned down to her body.


She smacked his arm lightly. "No, that's all my work. But he's the reason why I'm like this. He's the reason I hurt so many people."

'What do you mean?' Sans wrote sloppily.

"Haven't you ever wondered why my skin is pure white? Sans, this isn't natural. My eyes, too. I mean, look at me. I'm not a natural human, no healthy person is born with pure black eyes." Jane pointed at her eyes to establish her point. "I didn't look like this before. I was a normal girl, with a normal life, before Jeff came in and ruined everything."

Birds chirped above, making Sans look up. It was a beautiful day outside, flowers were blooming, birds were chirping...

Where was he going with that?

'What happened?'

Jane looked down at her hands, before hesitantly pulling away a glove to show off a wedding ring. "I guess it's time to tell the truth. You know, I didn't originally hate society. Or people. I was happy. And who knows, maybe you were before you got bitten, Sans. But I had a wife. We went to high school together, went to prom... we were high school sweethearts."

Sans hugged his knees to his chest and listened quietly to her story. He didn't say anything, didn't object. Just listened.

"Oh, I was madly in love with her. A teenage crush. My parents were well off with money, and were supportive, so we got married quickly. Maybe a little too quickly, but you do stupid things when you're in love, especially when you're young. Everything was going well. We had a house, we had a cute cate we named Snickers... I loved her, I loved everything. Then, one night... I woke up to the smell of fire."

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