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The dark and tranquil night stood unnervingly still, with only a few twinkling balls of light to prove my existence while I traveled along a dirt, bumpy road on my loyal companion Blaze.

Currently, about a year ago, I began work as a real estate agent selling homes to folks in the New England area. Since I am still learning the whereabouts of this land, I often find myself lost, especially during this time of day. Maybe if the sun rose and shone it's scorching rays, I would have a greater chance as to where I'm heading.

Here in this vast and bountiful territory, the trees tower over everything like obnoxious giants. Even though they bring great shade and comfort, they unfortunately lack the ability to guide one in the right direction. At times it's hard to see the sky through their thick, cobweb like branches.

As the continuous click clack of Blaze's hooves stomped against the pebbly Earth, I caught myself beginning to doze off into a pleasant sleep.

While falling deeper into my rest, thanks to the soothing motion of my horse's body, I dreamt of my beautiful fiancé Anastasia, who dazzles with flowing blonde ringlets, rosy cheeks, and possesses the most stunning dresses in the entire village. You see, she is an exquisite seamstress and is always clad in the most brilliant of outfits.

Our plans were, when I returned home from this business trip, we would get married at St. Helen's Church. I was more than delighted to spend the rest of my life with her and settle down to have a family of our own.

Still in the depths of my lovely dream, we must have suddenly just missed a hole, when I was jolted awake from the uneven movement. To my surprise, the sun was slowly starting to peep above the horizon, when I began to study my surroundings intently to gather where I could possibly be. If I was correct, the nearest town should be appearing in the next few miles.

As we made a turn around the fields of green brush, there it was straight ahead, a dozen little wooden shacks with people of all ages in raggy and unkempt clothing moseying around. Men were gathering wood to carve items to sell and women were either baking in a shop or tending to their antsy, little children.

Considering myself to be fairly well dressed, I didn't exactly get welcoming smiles from the residents. Some of them ran away and locked their doors and others just stopped and scowled. Maybe they thought I was a tax collector or just a snobby, rich gentleman. Which I can assure you I'm neither.

Halfway into the strange town, I calmly and carefully tied Blaze's reins to a wooden post and entered a little shop called Mary Anne's Bakery, which thankfully didn't close when I showed up. I pushed open the door to find a glass display of baked goods ranging from fruit pastries to muffins.

"Can I help you sir?" A plump, old woman in a dirty, rouge dress and a gray updo replied behind the display.

"Yes," I walked up closer to her. "In fact, if you don't mind me asking, what town am I in? You see I'm a real estate agent and I'm just passing through to get back to my home in Boxford."

"Well honey, you're in Loeustdale and quite frankly still very far from Boxford," she chuckled, flashing a few missing teeth. "Say, how come you're lost anyways? Aren't you supposed to be good at traveling considering what your occupation is?"

To be honest, I've never been really terrific with directions. I just took this job because it pays well and I thought it would impress Anastasia.

"Well, I'm still learning and getting to know my whereabouts. I'm sure I'll be in great shape in no time," my cheeks turned red. "Anywho, how far do you believe I am from my destination?"

"Hmm...I'd say maybe twenty more miles. After you leave here, there's another town, which let me warn you, has some pretty obnoxious folks," rolling her eyes with her hands on her large waist. "Then supposedly a little shack off the side of the road and then another town. Once you pass through all those places, you should reach Boxford."

"Alright, thank you. I guess that isn't so bad." I waved goodbye and smiled at her for her generous hospitality.

"Wait sir!" She quickly uttered.

"Won't you stay for a little treat before you head back on the road?"

I turned back around, thinking that I should grab a bite considering the way she helped me and the fact that I was rather hungry, but if I did so, I would be delaying my wedding.

"Sure, why not."

"I couldn't fight my stomach any longer. Besides, one little stop won't hurt me."

"What would you like?"

I scanned the rows of the scrumptious, homemade treats.

"How about an apple turnover?"

"Great choice! Those are one of my favorites too," The lady exclaimed as she took the turnover out and handed it to me.

"Mmm...thank you. How much do I owe you?" I searched for my sack of coins.

"Don't worry about it dear. Just focus on refueling your energy so you can return back home."

"No please, I insist." I placed a gold coin on top of the glass display. "Money is no issue for me."

"I just can't."

"Please, ma'am. Think of it as a thank you for your kindness." Pushing the coin back closer to her.

"Oh, alright," placing the coin in her apron pocket. "You take care now."

"Don't worry I will. Thank you again so much!" I gleefully remarked sauntering out of the bakery chomping on my turnover.

This treat was almost as tasty as the one's my grandma used to make, if not better! I've always pestered Anastasia to make them, but she consistently refuses saying baking isn't her specialty. I'm sure they would be divine if she just tried.

After my last bite, I saddled Blaze backup to prepare us for the long journey still ahead.

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