Chapter One: Off The Bench

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"Sire, let's be reasonable here," Namjoon, the king's royal advisor cautioned.

"I'm done being reasonable!" The king slammed his hands down on the table. "We've lost ten men to this beast and my daughter is still in its clutches!"

"Maybe if we handled it more wisely-"

"This thing is a killer!" he shouted. "For all we know, it could have already killed her. She's my only daughter, Namjoon!"

"I understand that, sire, but we can't endanger more of Yoongi's men," Namjoon explained.

"He's right, your majesty," Yoongi, the chief guard added. "I only have a few who are suited for battle. The rest are still in training."

"Well, bring them out of training!" the king yelled.

"That's what I did, your majesty." He gestured to us. "These are my finest knights-in-training: Taehyung, Jungkook, and Lisa."

"Are you sure you want to risk putting them in? With all due respect, they're not fully trained and that one's a girl." Namjoon pointed to me.

"She happens to be the best girl I've trained," Yoongi replied. "I wouldn't expect you to go in yourself, Namjoon, now would you?"

He stayed silent.

"Look," the king sighed. "I don't care who you send in. Just bring my daughter back to me."

"Affirmative, your majesty," Yoongi declared.

The king and Namjoon left the room, shouting all the while. The whole situation sent shivers up my spine. A month ago, Princess Jisoo was kidnapped. Our suspicions all led us to believe that she was taken by a fearsome dragon. That very same dragon has kept her locked away in a tower, burning everyone who tried to save her to a crisp. No one had been able to slay the beast and we were running out of options.

"Now, I know you all are still knights-in-training, however, we still need your help to formulate a plan," Yoongi said.

"Sir, if I may, what if we went to the dragon?" I interjected.

"Lisa, are you insane?" Taehyung turned to me. "That thing has killed the best knights in the kingdom. We don't stand a chance."

"I don't think it's a test of weaponry," I answered. "It's a test of strategy. This dragon is smart. Smarter than all of us. We just need to find a way to outsmart it."

"Then what do you propose?" Yoongi asked.

I sighed. "Finding a way to slay the dragon isn't going to help us save the princess. She's our top priority."

"She your girlfriend?" Jungkook teased.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes. "We need a diversion, which is where you two come into play." I gestured to the two boys next to me.

"You want us to act as bait?" Taehyung questioned.

"Not bait, necessarily. Just an extra component," I explained. "While you two are trying to distract the dragon, I'll sneak around from behind, retrieve the princess, and we'll be on our way. No dragon slaying required."

"Why are you the one who isn't bait?" Jungkook asked.

"Because I'm a girl," I said. "The dragon won't expect it."

"This is quite the plan you have thought up, Lisa." Yoongi gave a thoughtful look. "I honestly think it's worth a try."

"You can't be serious, sir." Jungkook seemed apprehensive. "It's a golden ticket to death."

"Not if you play your cards right," he added. "I'm appointing Lisa as captain of this mission. If all goes according to plan, all of you will receive valuable compensation."

"Or we all die, but everyone's choosing to overlook that," Taehyung said bitterly.

"Lisa." Yoongi put his hand on my shoulder. "Are you sure you can handle this?"

"I'll try my hardest, sir," I replied.

"Very well then. You will leave tomorrow morning, bright and early. No leisurely naps for you, Taehyung." Yoongi gave him a look.

"Yes, sir," we said in unison.

That night, I laid in bed, clutching my pillow tightly. Taehyung and Jungkook were right. What if we did die while carrying out this plan? It was far too dangerous to pull off, I knew as much. But there was something in me that made me want to push forward.

The princess's life was at stake. I remembered her well. Her long dark hair, her sweet smile, her pretty laugh, I remembered it all. The boys all teased me about how smitten I was. Could I call it that? Maybe. Nonetheless, she'd only ever been kind and generous to me and everyone around her.

Before this all happened, I was assigned to be her personal guard. The king thought it would be better if a girl was there to protect her, to help ease her concerns. Even though I was still in training, he trusted me with taking care of his daughter. I wasn't seen as just the token female to the royal family, and since then, I held them very highly in my mind. And now that Princess Jisoo's fate was uncertain, I was in disarray.

I made a promise to the king that I would protect her. He trusted me with her life. I wasn't going to disappoint him. Princess Jisoo, your knight Lisa will come rescue you. No matter what comes her way.

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