Chapter Five: Take Flight

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I watched as Jillian moved to the window and lifted her wings. I loved the pattern on them. It was like an artistic flame with hints of gold in it. The way the sun shone on them made them even more breathtaking. She gestured for me to come near her, which I obliged to.

"Tell me, knight," she began. "have you ever flown on a dragon before?"

"Can't say that I have," I chuckled.

"Would you like to?" she questioned.

"Are you serious?" I started to get a bit more excited. "That's on my bucket list!"

She laughed a little. "Hop on!"

I did as I was told and got onto her back. It was a bit difficult, since she was quite tall, but soon, I was able to get comfortable. I wrapped my arms around her neck for support, still making sure not to choke her. She readied her wings, gaining a bit of momentum. To say that I was excited was an understatement. I was ecstatic.

"You ready?" Jillian asked.

I nodded. "Yep!"

I held on tightly as she took off and headed straight for the clouds. I let out a loud squeal from the adrenaline rush. God, it was truly breathtaking to be in the clouds. Everything looked so small from down below. Even the biggest castles looked like the toys of a child. The birds happily sang as they flew around us.

In fact, one of them landed on my hand as I extended it. It was a beautiful white dove that sang like an angel. Back in the kingdom, doves were used to symbolize love and peace. They'd be used for weddings and alliances as a good luck charm, in a way. Something in me felt as though its appearance was anything but accidental.

"Aren't princesses the ones that can talk to birds?" Jillian chuckled.

"I'm not a princess," I laughed as the bird flew away. "The bird seems to like me, but I'm not sure why."

"I know why," she remarked.

"You do?"

"Yep. It's because you're likeable."

"Are you saying that you like me?" I smirked.

"Maybe a little." She winked.

I leaned on her scales. "You know what? I like you too."

She giggled. "You've befriended not only a dove, but a dragon as well. Are you sure you're not a princess?"

"Positive," I replied. "I could never be a princess."

"And why is that?" she questioned.

I sighed. "Princesses are so prim and proper. They're the most elite in all the kingdom and they have to look the part. I mean, just look at me. I could never be put in a fancy dress and tiara. I'm just not fit for it."

Just then, Jillian did a nosedive towards the ground. I squealed loudly again, holding on tightly to her neck. She landed gently, much to my surprise, and helped me get off. I slid down her side and watched as she magically shrunk herself down to my size again. It was very interesting to watch her shift like that.

I looked around to see where we had landed. Wow, it was beautiful. It was a nice little clearing in the woods. There was a sparkling blue lake with small fish swimming around in it, big trees that held the ripest of fruits, and small patches of grass where one could find vibrant flowers. The sun reflected off the water brilliantly, creating a stunning halo around the clearing.

"I don't know too much about the royal lifestyle and all, but I'm pretty sure that fancy clothes and glittering jewels aren't what make a girl a princess," Jillian said from behind me.

Dragon Slayer: A Lisoo Dragon AUWhere stories live. Discover now