The Recruiting of a Killer

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Nomad's POV, 12:18 A.M, November 28, 2023

The  crisp winter air around me reeks of gunpowder and blood. The bodies around me all look like the were killed by some primeval beast, not a human being. The most prominent method of death is being literally  torn apart, though slit throats, slashed spines, and point blank headshots with a low caliber handgun are also prominent. I start walking through the field of bodies, and I do mean field, to try and find the cause of all this death. 

"White Rabbit", I call out, my voice shaky and hoarse.

"Red Queen", the small and terrified voice of a young boy calls back to me. I run over to where it came from to find Dominic on his knees, surrounded by a massive pile of bodies. His signature dirty blonde undercut is caked down with blood and the left side of his face is entirely covered. He is shaking and whimpering lightly, the left side of his 5.11 Sapi Plate Carrier and leather jacket are burned away, and I'm scared for his health. I get closer to him and see that he has third degree burns all down his left side not including his face, but his left eye is just gone. I nearly vomit upon looking at him, but do my best to stay composed before noticing that Lycan, Fury's signature karambit is clutched in his left hand while Sharp Thunder,  Walker's favorite handgun, is in his right.

"Jesus Firefly, what the fuck happened?", I ask shakily.

"W-Well, I don't know for sure, but I remember that one of the Wolves spotted me, then Vasily shouted, "Fuck" before a murmur patrol found him and he, he, he...", he cuts off before starting again, "Then, a Byleth found Fixit", he mutters before breaking down into wracking sobs, "Oh God, I still hear his screams!", he says, now screaming. 

"Hey buddy, stay with me", I say urgently before hearing footfalls behind me. I turn around to see Jace smiling.

"What happened?", he asks brightly.

"Your virus failed. We nearly failed to get rid of Sentinel, but the way it looks is that something pushed Firefly over the edge, he dealt with it himself", I tell him, rage filling my voice.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, why are you mad at me?", Jace says, now scared out of his mind like the little bitch he is.

"Because thanks to you, most of my team is dead and Firefly just fought a war by himself", I yell at him. Jace finally sees Dominic's weak form on the ground sobbing. I then watch as Mads walks up to the two of us and looks at Dominic with a look of pure pity.

"Jesus Christ, look at the kid! He's barely hanging on!", he shouts, horror tinging his voice, "Why the fuck would you let him do that?", he screams at me with hatred leaking through now.

"I didn't! I was preoccupied inside the base dealing with a horde of Wolves and he was out here, securing a vehicle", I yell in his face.

"Well then, I guess the better question is why was he even in the field with you? He's fifteen!", he shouts back.

"Because this is what we do! He's the best damn soldier I've ever had and I'll be damned if I was to force him to sit out of something he's worked so hard for and lost so much to achieve", I scream, my voice cracking from the effort. I hear a scared whimper and turn around to see Maria pointing an M1911 directly at Dominic's forehead. 

"Maria! What the fuck are you doing", Mads demands.

"He's going to die anyway, what am I supposed to do, let him suffer?", she says coldly.

"No! He will not die! He's too stubborn for that!", I yell at her. 

"Yeah right, strength of will doesn't heal blood loss", she says to me before pulling the hammer back. I find myself pleading with her for his life, "Don't worry Nomad, he will die the Savior of Auroa, a title only he may carry", Maria says before pulling the trigger and I can do nothing but watch in slow motion as the hammer drops.

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