The Nightmare Begins

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Dominic's POV, 9:54 P.M, September 30, 2025

The pounding in my head is nearly debilitating as I push the section of the roof off the top of me. I look off to my left, where Eliza got thrown through the wall in the blast. She should be out of the way, so this might actually be worth doing. I stand up and face the enormous mess that used to be my home, then realize something: Conny was still in the house. I immediately start rummaging through the debris and moving large chunks of scaffolding. All hopes I may have had for her survival are immediately dashed when I find her. She's been reduced to pieces, hardly even a slush and nothing but the left side of her face is recognizable. The beautiful green shine that use to be in her eyes is now gone, replaced with a blood soaked hue. I don't even have time to process what happened to my poor baby when I hear footfalls behind me. I turn around to face my newest tormentor.

"What a pleasure to see you again, Dominic. It is truly a blessing to see you've made it so long and so far", a man with fair black hair and dark eyes looks to me and says. I watch as six more people walk through the fire behind him and smile sadistically.

"Who the fuck are you people? What the fuck do you want from me?", I roar at them, my old hatred for past enemies resurfacing and making me want to tear these people apart.

"Oh? Does the legend himself, Ole' Nicky Raine in the flesh, not remember the faces of seven of the hundreds of people whose lives he ruined? What a surprise!", the leader screams dramatically as he reaches to his hip, "Perhaps this will remind you!". I watch as he draws his sidearm and am immediately taken aback by the sight of it, Sharp Thunder.

"What the fresh hell?!! I thought that I'd never see that damn thing again", I shout, my voice cracking from the newly renewed grief. 

"Oh? So you remember do remember me!", he says proudly.

"James Anthony Walker, son of Sentinel's Cole J. Walker. You bear both your father's middle name and his best friends first in hopes that you'd carry your father's unbreakable will and spirit plus Nomad's honor bound loyalty. Apparently, you carry neither", I say, my voice cracking, remembering the days back on Auroa when me and Nomad were forced to put his father down.

"Yes! Yes! Now, do you remember the day you gave me his favorite gun?", he calls out, apparently getting fired up by me remembering him.

"Yeah, I sure fucking do. I flipped over to hold the barrel and placed it firmly into your left hand. I told you that if you closed your hand around it, you'd be agreeing to pick up a legacy that'd way you down like nothing you'd felt ever before. You took it willingly, your eyes gleaming with pride", I tell him hoarsely, and James grins even wider.

"And look now, I've taken his legacy and turned it into an empire! Soon, no government in the world will be able to stand before us. All it will take is a choice, and your creator beckons you home", James now says, shocking me to no end.

"And what if I don't want anything to do with it?", I demand, my patience running thinner than the string currently holding my sanity in place.

"Well then, I guess I'll just have to make you choose", James says with an incredibly sickening grin as another silhouette steps out of the smoke rising from what's left of my home. I can do nothing but watch as a tall, muscular man wearing nothing but blue jeans and a full face gas mask come forward. Once he fully unveils himself from the smog, I can see that he's dragging Eliza while she kicks and screams in defiance. She does her best to escape, but the man behind her places a swift stomp to the back of her knee and drops her to the ground. James smiles wickedly at me and places Sharp Thunder directly against her temple. Eliza stops in her tracks and suddenly realizes the weight of the situation.

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