Unleashing a Monster Pt. 2

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Taina's POV, 8:26 A.M, November 5, 2025

I look at Dominic in confusion after what he just said. Irons is giving us all a pleading look after he said it, but Anthony is banging around in the kitchen looking for something. He apparently doesn't care about the mess he's making, but I'm still just trying to figure out what on Earth is happening. Dominic stands up and grabs his leather jacket off of the couch.

"Taina! Where the fuck do you keep your knives?", Anthony yells at me and I'm beginning to realize the weight of the situation. 

"Why does that matter?", I yell back and Dominic is already walking out my front door.

"It's too late Anthony, they're on our doorstep", Dominic say as we all look out the window. There are a couple of people standing in the parking lot, looking just about as inconspicuous as possible. Dominic walks down the stairs until he's in the parking lot as well, the two notice him almost immediately and walk over to him. They stand about ten feet apart and the person on the right, a man built like two refrigerators duct taped together with the world's most disgusting mohawk, speaks up.

"Hello, hate to take up some of your time, but we're looking for someone", he says and the one on the left elbows him in the kidneys to get his attention.

"Corden, you dumbass! You just asked the Uncrowned King how to find someone. You need to be more careful", the man yells out and the one apparently named "Corden" appears to choke on his own saliva. 

"You mean to tell me that the infamous "Uncrowned King", the Hellhound known for being so uncontrollably violent that he literally broke the restriction harnesses would wear blue jeans and a fucking white wife beater tank top? Yeah right", Corden says and the one next to him laughs.

"I guess you're right, he certainly doesn't look anything like the picture. The picture had both eyes, though he's had some years to change", the one on the left says and this time it's Dominic that laughs.

"You're awful confident for a couple of trespassers", Dominic tells them and they both look at Dominic like he's dumb.

"How do you know we're trespassing? Mr. Raine hired us personally to keep watch of this island", Corden says and Dominic grins.

"No. No, he didn't", Dominic tells them and they look confused.

"Oh yeah? And how do you know that shrimp?", the one on the left demands impatiently.

"I would know, but hey, go ahead and give him a call", Dominic says. The one on the left smirks and pulls out his phone, dials a number by hand, and starts talking. 

"You see? We have his personal phone number", Corden says in a confident tone.

"Then why isn't my phone ringing?", Dominic demands and they both realize what they've done.

"Oh shit! Kaiper, you were right!", Corden says and the newly named "Kaiper" looks disappointed in his partner.

"And just why did you have to tell him my name then?", Kaiper demands and Corden looks sad.

"Is this what Level Ones look like now? A punk rock reject and a business casual dumbass that looks like he doesn't know how color palettes work? I mean, who the fuck wears green pants? And a purple turtleneck? I'm more afraid of your wardrobe than your combat status at this point", Dominic tells them and they both laugh.

"Jaws did say you never took anything seriously, even your death", Kaiper states calmly while Dominic just looks at him.

"He just might be right, but we'll have to figure that out later, now why are you here, Tweedle-Dumbass?", Dominic demands and I hear Mike laugh a little bit.

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