A Few Pleasant Revelations

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Authors note: I know that there has been very little action so far, but please, bear with me. I'm doing my best to ensure that I've fleshed out the characters and the world they're in as best I can. Thanks in advance for any patience given.

Dominic's POV, 8:25 P.M., October 9, 2025

I look around at the festivities around me as the band finally comes to life. The people around me are dancing and drinking and I almost can't believe this is a TITAN event, considering that the things I'm normally involved in are boring and mind numbing. Emma and Holt catch my eye as they sit in a corner seat opposite me and catch up on things, and the admiration in Holt's eyes is astounding. That man hasn't seen her in person in about six years and is still head over heels. Poor dude, those six years must have sucked. I'm drawn from my thoughts when I see Conrad getting a little too friendly with Grace, who looks thoroughly unimpressed. I walk over to him and tap his shoulder. He nearly jumps out of his skin and Grace laughs, causing Conrad to walk away in defeat.

"Thanks dude, he was being a little touchy", Grace tells me and I just nod. I make a solid attempt to walk away before someone catches me by the wrist. I turn around and see Ms. Aggie smiling at me.

"Aren't you going to dance, Dominic?", she asks and I shake my head lightly.

"I'm not terribly interested this time, Ms. Aggie, thank you for the attention though", I tell her and she shakes her head disapprovingly. 

"You're paying for all of this, plus you organized it, why don't you enjoy it?", she asks and I scramble to find an appropriate excuse other than, "I don't particularly feel like it".

"I would like to have some time to observe what groups they make", I tell her and she just smiles.

"I know how much you love to dance, why are you so afraid to do it in front of people? I guarantee you can find a partner. That one lovely looking Brazilian girl has been eyeing you all night", she says and I can feel the blush developing on my face. 

"Well, this isn't exactly the kind of place for that, I'm not sure I'd fit in anyway", I tell her and she grins.

"I have a feeling you'll find your way to the dance floor somehow, just you wait", she tells me and I nod in agreement. After she leaves, I go to a table as far from the main attractions as possible. I watch in interest for an hour or two before people notice that I'm not involved in the main event. It's not long after that that I find myself surrounded. People like Grace, Anthony, Ela, Craig, Zofia, Holt, Emma, Meghan, Eliza, Jack, Yumiko, and Max. I just kind of sit in silence while they talk, until they prompt me that is.

"So Dominic, why didn't you tell us you were such a big wig?", Craig asks and I hesitate to answer until I've found the best wording for what I'm trying to say.

"It's kind of a blessing and a curse, to be honest. People tend to treat me differently once they know that I'm kind of important to some people. I was hoping to avoid that for as long as possible so that me and Anthony could just act like I'm not. It'd be just like old times", I say and Craig looks surprisingly struck by what I said and it's actually Zofia that speaks next.

"Dominic, you speak so maturely sometimes and it's not hard to forget that you're barely even on the cusp of adulthood. I often wonder what kind of life you've lead that made you like this", she says and I almost choke on what she said. 

"No kidding, despite the stupid things he's done, he's surprisingly mature for his age, isn't he?", Meghan asks and I shake my head.

"No shit, he's actually kind of an overprotective mom friend if you're close enough with him", Holt says and I fell my cheeks start to heat up.

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