Chapter Eighteen - Gangster are cute......who knew?

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When Mo's eyes flicked open, he was aware of two things:

    Firstly He Tian's bedroom was cool and tranquil thanks to the AC, so why was he so fucking hot?! Like in a demon's basement being tortured in the after life shit. He was not much of a 'cuddler' in bed, he preferred his own space and hated any aggressive constriction. Was the gangster a cuddler? Hmm his first X on the perfect man list. When Mo moved his hands over the oppressively hot body spooned tightly to his front, he felt fur not smooth hard skin.

    In the middle of the night Jun had taken advantage of the open area the penthouse offered to sneak into the bedroom and onto He Tian's soft bed. So hard done-by was his pooch, having to sleep in his master's living room at home, that at the earliest opportunity he had slunk his way up the cover and between the two sleeping men. The snoring black Labrador was currently being the 'little spoon' thanks to his newest fan, He Tian.

    The man and dog were sleeping so soundly they didn't even stir when a snort of laughter came from the other side of the bed. They looked so fucking cute lying there, not a care in the world, Mo Guan Shan wasn't sure his lover knew he was spooning a dopey dog instead of the guy he enticed over last night.

    Knowing the dog would soon stir for his morning constitutional and breakfast, Mo crept out of the bed and headed over the dimly lit bedroom to the en suite.

    "Birds Balls." Mo Guan Shan's eyes widened at the sight of himself. Naked as the day he was born, his hair was dishevelled, his lips were slightly swollen from many delicious kisses. There were a shit ton of little red marks where He Tian had kissed, licked and bitten his dragon tattoo from its fierce head to the talons grasping his hip. That gangster liked his ink a lot.

    He needed caffeine, like now, right now, his body felt so tired and sluggish, but only in the best way from a night of great sex with a gorgeous man. Mo struggled to keep the silly grin off his face, if he wasn't careful that bad boy was going to burst out numerous times today and there was nothing he could do about it.

    Using the facilities, Mo tip toed quietly passed the occupants of the bed, grabbing his shorts along the way, he headed out through the enormous seating area towards a kitchen he'd briefly glimpsed last night.

    Coffee, coffee, coffee. His body was on autopilot he yawned so widely his jaw popped. Shan was so engrossed he almost walked passed the glorious dawn sky over Beijing.

    "Fuck." It literally took his breath away, the vista was like some enormous canvas painting and it screamed 'only for the rich and famous'. Not for his humble eyes, so Mo Guan Shan stood there, shorts in hand, and enjoyed the luxury fully.

    "There are worse views to see first thing in the morning." A quiet voice startled the tattoo artist, making him jump with a curse.

    When Mo turned around, his heart racing in his chest, it was to find the white haired gangster from his tattoo shop, the one who was inked by Usalev. The man was standing there with grey shorts hanging low on his hips and nothing else. Shan had to admit there were worst views to see first thing in the morning. Wicked. Evil. Grin.

    "Hey." Mo hurriedly pulled on his shorts, a faint blush staining his cheeks. Did this guy live here too?

    "Coffee?" The white haired man's low voice was soothing.

    "Sure." Mo followed behind the man yawning hugely. shit it was going to be a long day if he felt this tired now. "I like your ink, Usalev is a genius." Did that sound as dumb as it did in his head, urgh he was such a fanboy.

    "I wouldn't go to any one else, he just knows exactly what I want. How do you take it?" The two men had made it to the massive kitchen and his dawn companion started messing with a fancy looking coffee machine Mo had only ever seen in barista shops. Mo's nose twitched in appreciation as the enticing smell drifted over to him.

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