Chapter Six - Blue Balls R Us

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When Mo woke up in the morning he groaned when he looked at the clock. It was only 7am, but he hauled his ass out of bed anyway. When you had a dog, lazing around in bed wasn't something you got to enjoy.

"Hey morning boy, I know I know, I am coming." Mo scrubbed his hands through his hair, and quickly used the toilet. He pulled on black shorts, a grey t-shirt and his blue running shoes.

Jun was dancing about at the door, he was desperate to use the facilities too.

Mo grabbed Jun's lead and they were out into the cool morning air, the route Mo ran was the same most days because it took him through the park, plenty of space for Jun to run. Jun loved coming for a run with him, it became a habit for them both. Mo was happy he got his daily exercise in, Jun was happy he got to pee on every bush in the park.

He normally ran four or five miles depending on the heat, which crept up very quickly in the summer. Mo's t-shirt was already soaked, clinging to him. When he got back to his apartment, Jun had completed his 'business' and Mo was ready for some water and tea. He had stopped on the way home at a little vendor and bought some porridge or congee for his breakfast.

They piled through the door and Mo dumped the porridge into a bowl, took a banana out of the fridge and put on the kettle to brew some green tea. He quickly had a shower, pulled on a fresh pair of shorts and a t-shirt and was ready to pour his tea in ten minutes flat.

After demolishing his breakfast, he took his tea to the table where the gangster had sat last night. Pulling out his sketch book he turned to the page with the new dragon design in it. It was a very handsome looking dragon, everything about it was pleasing to the eye. Mo couldn't wait until he could actually have He Tian under his needle. His back was like a blank canvas, and he couldn't wait to mark it permanently with his own personal 'signature'.

Mo Guan Shan jumped out of his fucking skin when someone knocked on his door. It was 8.30am for fucksake who the hell would come here at this time on a Monday.

Mo got up cautiously and went to peer through the spy hole.

"Birds balls." Mo cursed and opened the door, walking away letting whoever it was shut the door behind them.

"What are you doing here Yi?" Mo sat back down on the floor by his table and picked up his tea cup like his best friend coming to visit him so early in the morning was a normal occurrence. Which it wasn't!

"Hey Guan Shan, mind if I pour myself some tea, my head is pounding, Too much black sambucca. Urgh. Hello Jun, sorry no Xixi today." Jian Yi was dressed in a similar outfit to Mo, it was rare Mo saw him wearing anything other than fancy designer clothes.

Jian Yi helped himself to tea, then he sat on the sofa across from Mo, dejected.

"Zhan Xi took you home again?" Mo shook his head in sympathy.

"Yeah." Jian Yi looked miserable. Mo couldn't tell if it was the hangover, or the fact that Zhan Zheng Xi still hadn't made a move on him.

Zhan Xi and Yi had this weirdly complicated relationship. They would literally die for each other, loved each other unconditionally as best friends, when they were in the same country they were inseparable, but neither of them had the guts to admit they were crazy about each other. They had friend zoned themselves into a corner and now they couldn't get out of it.

"You know your plan to get drunk and get him to go home with you has failed three times now. It's time you were upfront and just tell him to his face you want him to fuck you....for the rest of your lives." Mo sipped his tea, then went to get a banana for his forlorn best friend.

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