How To Chase An Alpha 《 2 》

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Seokjin threw a book on the wall causing Jimin to jump in surprise, "Vice President?!?..."Jimin exclaimed, He noticed how Seokjin was turning bright red, "um...the President didn't do anything wro---"Jimin was cut off when Seokjin pop opened a champagne and chug it all in one go.

"V-V-V-Vice President!!! p-p-please! you still have a meeting this morning!"Jimin said trying to take the bottle from Seokjin but because of Seokjin's height, Jimin stood no chance as he tip toed his way to get it, That is when the door opens to reveal Jungkook with a smile on.

"Oh! what's the chief of financial officer doing in here?"

"C-C-Chief! Vice president is drinking!!!"Jimin said pointing at Seokjin as he successfully grabs the champagne and hid behind Jungkook, "Hey! where's my share?"Jungkook pouted at Seokjin, He scowl and stuck his tongue out.

"never you dimwit~"Seokjin said and went back to his seat, Seokjin sigh and bangs his head gently on his wooden table, Jungkook and Jimin looked at each other in confusion.

"is this about how our president embarrassed you infront of Namjoon hyung?"Jungkook said pointing it out and it somewhat hit Seokjin in the heart so hard He fell on his chair, "EXACTLY! HE EMBARRASSED ME INFRONT OF NAMJOON BECAUSE I WAS TALKING TO HIM!!! I WAS ONLY HAVING A CONVERSATION WITH HIM BUT THE MOTHER FUCKER STARTED SHAMING ME INFRONT OF NAMJOON!!! INFRONT OF EVERYONE!!!"Seokjin yelled but soon his words were muffled by Jungkook plugging the wine of bottle to his mouth, "hush now my little baby~ mommy's here to help you~"Jungkook said as he held Seokjin by the back of his neck, His other hand was busy holding the bottle as if he was feeding an infant.

"C-Chief! he needs to go to the meeting in 3 minutes!"Jimin exclaimed, Seokjin then suddenly passes out, "Whoops gave him too much champagne"Jungkook said as a giggle escape his mouth, Jimin wanted to rip Jungkooks hair for doing something like that to Seokjin.

"you can cover for him Jiminsshi~"

Jimin sigh, "f-fine..."Jimin said and left the office, Jungkook giggled and carried Seokjin to the sofa and lay him down there, "hm~ hm~ my bad Jinie~ I'll buy you ramen later~".


"I can't breath...two dominant alphas in one room is suffocating me...I WANT TO LEAVE!!!!"

Jimin yelled in his thoughts, He didn't think that the C.E.O Taehyung would also attend the meeting knowing the fact that his always busy. The meeting went on and Jimin had to write some important things that Seokjin needed to know, soon the meeting ended and everyone gathered all of their things and left the meeting room leaving Jimin.

"secretary Park"

Jimin flinch when he heard Taehyungs deep voice, He turned around to see the alpha approaching him, Jimin immediately stood up. "Y-Yes, president Kim?"Jimin said as he was able to hide his nervousness, Taehyung sigh and looked around the area then put his attention back to Jimin.

"where is the vice president?"

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