How To Chase An Alpha ( 23 )

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When Seokjin woke up, He found himself tied up on the chair with a gag in his mouth but his eyes weren't covered and yet he couldn't see because of how dark it was. "...fwuck...."Seokjin managed to cursed even though it was muffled, when a cold metallic object grazed against his skin, that's when the lights were turned on, Seokjin flinch and squinted his eyes due to the sudden brightness.

"urgh.. hwat da...."

//idk why but I always make Seokjins personality as a laid back or cool headed guy... ;-; a badass bitch...

"where am I...."Seokjin thought as he begun looking around the white coated room until he spotted a door in front of him,"..."
Seokjin then flinch when the door swung open to reveal two men and one woman entering the room.

Two recessive alphas on her side, she was only a beta and yet her glare was intimidating. Seokjin remained calm as they approach him, "shit...he looks good"One of said said as the other agreed with a smirk appearing on his lips, Seokjin shivered.

"do you know who I am?"

The beta woman said, Seokjin tilted his head from the side in confusion. "hwat aru tokhin abowt" Seokjin said through his muffled worlds, She click her tongue and walk towards Seokjin as she removed the gag from his mouth.

Seokjin was able to breath properly, The foul taste of the gag almost made Seokjin wanted to throw up in disgust. "...manners? 0%..."Seokjin mumbled as he continued to glare at the woman who went and talk to the other two guys, He tilted his head in confusion when all of a sudden the two recessive alpha male went behind him, the other one was in front of him and the other was behind him as they held Seokjin down with a tight grip.

The woman with an intimidating glare opens the door wide to reveal Taehyung's mother, She was wearing a full on black dress, She smirked at the sight of Seokjin struggling.

"my son will marry an alpha and you will stay out of it!" She said filled with disgust, Seokjin gritted his teeth. "YOU'RE THE WORST MOTHER OF THE YEAR! YOUR CRAZY ASS CAN'T COMPETE WITH MY CRAZINESS!!! GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME!"Seokjin yelled as he struggled to break free from them, He lifted his legs and kick the man in the guts."HOW YOU LIKE THAT!!!!"Seokjin yelled once more but he was soon quiet down when he was punched right across his face.

Seokjin gritted his teeth in pain, it left a bruise on his cheeks. Taehyung's mother got angry and snap her fingers,"rape him, violate him and make him your filthy omega"She said, her words made Seokjin angry as they begun to strip him from head to toe.

Seokjin's heart pounded, She lifted his chin using her finger, She smirked at him and spit on his face earning a scowl from Seokjin.



"Your mother did what"

Yoongi said, he deepened his tone as an intention to scare Taehyung but it ended up Jimin getting scared instead as Yoongi's alpha pheromones circulates the room.

Taehyung gulped, " much as I want to find Seokjin myself...I can' mom is like a psychopath...she knows to hide a dead body...or something like that...."Taehyung said as a gulp was heard from Jimin, Yoongi sigh out of frustration and grabs his phone.

"emergencies like this is what he needs me the most...there I put a GPS tracker in his phone so we know where he is...."Yoongi said flashing his screen to Taehyung, it was a map of an isolated area near Itaewon.


Yoongi nodded as a response to Jimin as he blushed and hung his head down due from the way Yoongi looked at him and he swore He saw Yoongi looking at him from head to toe, "P-P-President...let's go" Jimin said tugging on his sleeve, Taehyung nodded as a response and bolted out of the room leaving Jimin behind, When he was about to follow the impatient alpha, He was stop when Yoongi block the door way causing the poor omega to back away.

"sorry, Taehyung has to deal with it alone" Yoongi said spreading a small and yet lazy smile, Jimin gulped, He was an omega and staying inside in one room with an dominant alpha is dangerous for him. "T-Thank for your concern Yoongisshi...but I can't stay here..." Jimin said as he put on a brave face in front of Yoongi who tilted his head in confusion.

"....I didn't ask you to stay...I meant to say is that an omega shouldn't interrupt them..."

Yoongi said trying to be a more reasonable person but the words he said came out as an insult, It hurt Jimin's feelings as well as his being as an omega. "...are you trying to say that I am a useless friend to Seokjin...because I'm an omega doctor?" Jimin said as his voice begun to shake, He was on the verge of tears knowing full well that omegas were always criticized by most people because their only sole purpose was to mate and give birth to a child.

Yoongi was startled when he saw tears forming on Jimin's eyes and He knew he hurt the omega mentally, "I didn't...I mean...y-you took it the wro---w-wait a damn mi---"Yoongi wasn't able to explain his side when Jimin stormed out of his office, Yoongi sigh and slump down to his arm chair.

"...rough day?"

Hoseok said entering his office to see Yoongi with a frown.

"....I hurt his feelings....and I feel guilty...."

Hoseok stared at him in shock as he begun to check his temperature, "you're not sick...and I don't see any diseas---" Hoseok was cut off when Yoongi stood up, He was irritated on how Hoseok didn't take him seriously, It was Hoseok's first time to see this side of him, all he knew that the only emotions Yoongi showed him was anger, always annoyed, or even being way too cold on the people he meets.

"urgh...fuck off...I'll figure this out myself..."

Yoongi said as he left his office, "Perhaps you need to see a psychiatrist?!".


//just giving u all the sub-couple.....YOONMIN!!!!!!!!!....math is a btch.

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