How To Chase An Alpha ( 24 )

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"u-um...Mr. Kim...please stop releasing your pheromones...."Jimin said as he tried to calm the alpha who was driving way pass the limit, Jimin gulped as he strap himself on the car. "...uh...oh shit...oh better GIVE ME RAISE ON THIS!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Jimin yelled as Taehyung turned the car on the left roughly as he looked at the GPS for direction, He was worried over the fact he can't think of anything else other than Seokjin itself.

"please be safe...please be safe..."











" legs..."

"my dick...."

Seokjin was able to break free from their grasp, the moment he broke free, He was able to fight them off with ease. "yeah...that's what I thought you fucking mutt headed bitches" He said as he wipe off the sweat he worked on earlier, Seokjin then went towards the door as he twist it to open but it was locked and it wouldn't even budge.


Seokjin cursed under his breath, He backs away as he warmed himself up, "okay...just go with the'll be fine" Seokjin said to himself, when he was finally ready, He charged his way towards the door that was suddenly opened and Seokjin was able to hide the moment the door swung open to reveal a very shady man who appears to be bald, Seokjin covered his mouth trying to keep his breathing silent.

Once the man entered the room and witness that his friends were on the floor wincing in pain, He went over to their side but the one who got his balls kick pointed his fingers towards the door to where Seokjin is standing with an innocent looking face, "Adiós!" Seokjin exclaimed and left the room in a hurry along with him locking the door and placing a chair at the doorknob to keep it lock for now.

Seokjin flinch when the banging from the door got louder, it alerted Taehyung's mother, Seokjin gasp as he started to run in full speed dodging the betas who was charging at him, Seokjin looked at every corner in the hallway but all he could see was windows that leads to a concrete outside.

"....I swear if I die here...I'll possessed that woman even her dog!" Seokjin exclaimed and body slammed the window as it break into thousands of pieces, Seokjin covered his head as the strong impact hit his body.

"SHIT!'s trash..."

//me when i see a hated female character in a manhwa//

"....urgh...." Seokjin rolled out of his way at the garbage and immediately stood on his own two feet, the recessive omega didn't waste his time to process everything, He started to run when he heard voices from the 3rd floor, He went straight out of the alley as he blend in, in the crowd, everyone looked at him as if Seokjin was crazy looking around in every directions.

"my phone....a shit....." Seokjin cursed when he was unable to find his phone anywhere, even from his back pocket. Seokjin went on the side walk as he walk among the people trying to stay calm as he can be.

"....why am I in itaewon....I don't know this place...."Seokjin thought as he looked around the foreign area to where the people and foreigners filled the street, He was exhausted from all the running not to mention he was about to get raped.

When all of a sudden, Seokjin heard a car screeching, He immediately turned around to see Taehyung getting out of the car and Jimin running out of the car ready to let all those vomite out, Seokjin clench his fist and ran towards Taehyung as he pounce on him with a sudden hug.

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