How To Chase An Alpha ( 10 )

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"Vice president Kim?... Vice president?"

Taehyung knocked on his door but he didn't receive an answer from him, He grew tired of waiting for Seokjin he eventually thought of breaking down the door since he can because his the president but he didn't want to scare Seokjin.

"u-um...president...p-please leave me alone..."Seokjin said, He felt the sudden rise of temperature, He was breathing in a shallow way. Taehyung scoff,"look Vice president if you're just screwing around then stop it! I know you've been trying to chase me around for a couple of days already and I find it..I find it....uh.."Taehyung couldn't utter a word anymore, He wanted to say annoying but he had to admit it didn't feel that way.

On the other hand, Seokjin wasn't able to understand him, the heat that covered his whole body was torturing him."....I'm in heat....I'm in heat....I...I need an alpha...."
Seokjin thought, the haziness of the heat succumbs his inner desire as an omega.

"I'm twitching all over....hah....hah..."

Even the knocking of Taehyung couldn't be heard by Seokjin, all he could hear was his own heart beat, Taehyung sigh in frustration and was about to leave since he gave up because Seokjin didn't open the door at all.

That is when the smell of an omega lingers through his nose, Taehyung froze and turned around. "...the's...sweet.."
Taehyung muttered as his hand got a hold of the door knob, He gulped. Taehyung didn't take himself as a fool he knew how an omega smells like and that smell was coming from Seokjin, it was addictive in a kind of way you want him, you want to keep him in a cage to where no one else can see.

Taehyung felt his fangs grew in size, He covered his mouth. "P-President Kim...please go away it's not safe!" Seokjin exclaimed even though how his body is suffering from all the changes, it was going rapidly.

"no...I'm not going anywhere you are my responsibility as your president I'll call for help wait here!"

"the help is here"

Taehyung was about to leave and ask for help when all of a sudden Yoongi appeared still with his white coat, Taehyung raised a brow. "who are you?" He ask, Yoongi tilted his head, Another dominant Alpha was standing before him and his name was Min Yoongi.

"I'm Seokjin's closest'll take it from here" Yoongi said along with a yawn as he walk passes Taehyung who grabs him by his wrist, "No you can't" Taehyung said to Yoongi who was barely an inch to opening the door, He already took his shot before coming in here knowing full well that he was an alpha himself and he will loose control once he smell an omegas scent.

Yoongi sigh before looking at him straight in the eye. "try me"

How To Chase An Alpha✔|| taejin ||Where stories live. Discover now