not like the movies

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A month has managed to loom over the pair, and everything has truly gone well.

As it turns out, their landlord really can't just start walking around the apartment telling everyone that he's going to double the rent, but that truly doesn't mean that he's giving up any time soon. He has a summer house or whatever dumb and pointless source of entertainment to get and he needs that money one way or another.

While Crystal and Gigi are glad about being able to spend money on drinks without the guilt building up, the fear of a sudden new strike is left to feed their anxiety whenever they start getting a bit too brave with spending money.

The pair had also gotten used to this new way of living. After that little fight a month back, Crystal did stay out of the house for a few days or so. Gigi would have for sure let her in because of sheer guilt, but they both needed time for themselves.

But when Crystal finally got back, the tears rolled in like they'd never been shed before. They didn't want to let each other go as they broke down on that stonecold floor together.

All this hassle with the new lifestyle has also left Gigis room close to stranded. There's no point in even opening the door to it when all they do is sleep in Crystal's bed and Gigi feels more than happy wearing her roommate's clothes while at home.

It feels like God is finally giving the girls something good and something that could almost feel permanent if they were any more naive.

Waking up with their legs tangled together, going to work, and coming home to either fuck or go out for the rest of the day feels like and almost is the new norm.

This really is how both of the girls would want to live like forever. It feels right for both of them, but even with all this going on there's still one thing that's completely out of the picture.


It feels almost stupid. Commitment has really never been that big of an issue, and they act like a couple already. Hell, dating is almost the easiest option at this point, but there's just something keeping both of them away from letting that word slip out of their mouth.

Crystal could never bring herself to ask Gigi to be her girlfriend. She likes whatever's going on right now, and though it's far from just a regular friendship, she still doesn't want to start going farther away from that term.

Though Crystal's unsure as she always is, Gigi's definitely more into the whole concept. Every possible fear has crept up to haunt her at least once at this point, but what's even the worst that could happen?

Gigi wants to do it. She needs to do it. The whole scenario feels magical, and the perfect day has been inching closer for weeks now.

By the time Gigi got that overpriced locket from a local jewelry shop, it was all almost set in stone.


Every little drop that flew from the showerhead to the ground released a slight noise, which all ended up coming together to create a sound that easily filled the entire space.

The steam from the hot water spread as fast as the noise.

Crystal hesitantly lets her hair get soaked in the water, feeling as her slight curls become undone one by one. Her body was left cold all day, so the sudden warmth could make the girl only happy.

Gigi knows Crystal's boundaries a bit too well by now, and even as tempting as the handle to the bathroom looks, she knows not to break the unspoken rules of privacy.

All Gigi can do at that point is to keep herself busy by just thinking about the girl in the shower. As much as she wants to surprise her, the thing she's still not necessarily looking for is a coldhearted slap across the face.

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