#26 : A million times

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Summary: Life with your boyfriend was always, always, unexpected.

To set you in the mood:

You never get used to the sound of automatic gunfire and glass shattering, it just becomes less noisy over time.

Pushing the last arm chair not already used against the front door of the embassy in Latvia, sweat pearling on your forehead.

Matty couldn't get reinforcements to the building before 6 hours, you all needed to hold the fort. Power had been cut off which meant that all security systems were disabled and the building was submerged in darkness.

You walked in an adjacent room on Mac, a kevlar vest on: "Let's say a slug fired from an AK-47 has a mass of 8 grams and a speed of 780 meters per second. Factoring in slug size and paper density I can determine how much a single sheet of paper slows a bullet down."

"I said that we need something thicker than a door." Jack squinted.

He kept writing equations on the white board for a few seconds silently before dropping the pen. "Eight inches of paper, that's all we need."

An employee started: "Paper, that's never going—"

"Hey don't question my man's science and go get lots of paper if you don't want to end up like Swiss cheese."

"You alright?" Asked Mac, a hand on your waist.

"Don't worry about me. I'm going to go help set this." You were clearly not the person to feel the most sorry for in the room. All these people were colleagues, maybe friends for some. But you were there with people you considered family, and the person you loved the most for 2 years now.

As you secured the last paper pack in a drawer with duct-tape, the window yet to be covered exploded.

"Everybody down." Yelled Jack as he guided Riley behind a table.

This drawer needed to be placed.

You moved on hands and knees, barely hearing Mac calling your name. You stood up a second to put the invention on before joining Mac in a corner of the room.

The gunfire sound doubled in intensity.

You were sitting in the small gap between a desk and a wall, curled up against Mac. Despite reinforcing the windows, bits and pieces were flying over the room at each shot.

"What are you doing?!" You questioned Mac as he was removing the straps of his bulletproof vest.

He adjusted it over you: "Can't be too cautious, uh?" The veins pulsating on his temple betrayed the small smile he wore.

"I wished I could have protected you better."

You shook your head.

Before you got time to argue against it, screams burst out on the other side of the embassy. Which could only mean one thing.

You looked around, there were 9 other people in the room you were in. All staring at the door, silently.

Heavy footsteps got closer. You turned towards him.

"Backup is close, don't worry." He tempted to reassure, half-smile. "But just in case, I want to make sure I get to do this."

He scanned the room, a wrinkle on his forehead appeared. He closed his eyes for a second and let out a sigh.

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