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Mature Scenes Warning ⚠️

[The promise I made thankfully didn't have to be fulfilled immediately, the chick mostly kept to herself. Painting a closet by myself, the end of the week rolled around quick, Friday was a day off for the paint people. But I decided to get in some extra hours. Billy, or the guy who hired me, was in the doorframe.]

Billy: Hmm...

Lucah: What?

Billy: Nothing.

[His facial expression betrayed him, as I rolled my eyes.]

Lucah: Spill it.

Billy: Why are you working on the day off?

Lucah: I like the quiet?

[He didn't buy it, as I placed the paint roller down.]

Billy: You lie too easily.

Lucah: I don't lie, I just rearrange the truth in a specific order-

Billy: Why are you here Lucah?

[Inhaling slowly I said.]

Lucah: I..I despise my parents, but they just remind me of the failure I already am.

Billy: That's not true.

[Why am I telling him this?]

Lucah: Maybe not, but I'm content being in this town, despite not doing anything at all to help it.

[Hesitating a bit, I picked up the roller and continued to paint. After a couple more hours, Billy passed me a check.]

Lucah: You're joking.

Billy: I'm not.

Lucah: This is way too much.

Billy: You did extra hours remember?

Lucah: That's fair.

Billy: Now take it, and do something fun tonight.

Lucah: Sure.

[I placed the check in my backpack, before stepping down the ladder of the attic. Halting halfway through, I was tempted to change from the paint that littered my clothes. It's not like I have anywhere fun to go.]


[Shifting my gaze, I tip toed down the steps to see the chick and other guys and girls alike my age, walking past the shop toward the woods.]

Lucah: No way.

Do something fun tonight.

Lucah: Absolutely not...

[Climbing up into the attic, I found myself starting to change.]

You couldn't have fun even if it smacked you in the face.

[Shit, why does she come to my mind now? She doesn't control my actions...

But man do I wanna do something stupid right now.

I've resisted so long that the thorns are just pricking me for spite.]

D: Going somewhere?

Lucah: Yeah actually...

[Alright, let's do something stupid.]

M: Take protection dear.

Lucah: How did you?

M: You have a look in you're eye.

D: Planning to fulfill that promise?

Lucah: Hopefully without breaking any eggs.

[Taking the condoms from my Mom, I slipped it into my left back pocket. Waving my parents off before heading in the direction of the 18 year olds. There were lanterns leading the way to the woods party, as I leaned on a tree in the background.]

Theo: Hello loser.

Lucah: Were on speaking terms now?

Theo: You kept my secret.

[Licking my teeth, she stepped in front of me, passing me a red cup. I sniffed it, immediately smelling strong alcohol.]

Lucah: Who are these people?

Theo: Don't know, they just showed up, so have I.

Lucah: Care to tell me you're name?

Theo: You first, since you like to watch my back so much.

[I chuckled, deciding to sip on what's in the cup.]

Lucah: Lucah.

Theo: Theo.

[As we shook hands, locking eyes. I won't deny there are sparks but considering I'm a mental mess, I'm not prepared for another relationship.]

Theo: Care to dance?

Lucah: Nope.

Theo: Buzzkill, then you can just watch me.

[I chugged my cup down, as I heard South of the Border by Ed come onto the radio, and somebody turned it up. Theo lip sinked the words, as her body twisted and curved with the beat. I may have been a little tipsy, but it was hot as hell.]

Theo: Come here.

[Theo said with her finger, as I dropped the cup, getting pulled to her. With every step her influence flooded my senses, to the point where all I could think about was her.]

Theo: It's strange, but it seems like you've been hurt before...

[With a single graze of her thumb on my cheek, everything glitched and flooded back from my previous girlfriend. I was abused and used by her for her own profit, and just as quick she tossed me away.]

Theo: I won't do that to you...

Lucah: Please don't lie.

[As tears pricked my eyes, Theo cupped my cheeks with her hands, as I felt time slow.]

Theo: You will be my king.

[Pulling me into a kiss, I kissed back slowly, as Theo wrapped her arms around my neck. My own clutching onto her back. Pushing me onto the tree, she kissed my neck, grinding her waist against my own. A small moan crawled out my throat.]

Let me rock you're world okay?

[I slid onto the ground as we continued to make out, aggressively pulling on each other's clothes. My hand drifted up her shirt, as her own drifted down my chest. We took a moment to breathe, before chuckling.]

Theo: You're not too bad yourself ya know?

Lucah: How?

Theo: You're pretty hot too.

Lucah: Are you reading my mind or something-

[She covered my mouth with her hand, as wolf howls suddenly echoed through the sky. It was a full moon at that, but I started to blink from her influence fading.]

Theo: I'll see you again, don't worry.

[Before I could retort, Theo and the rest of the 18 year olds were gone. And suddenly the howls were getting closer and closer to me, looking I saw about 12 eyes growling back at me. As I picked up a sprint back to town.]

Lucah: Oh what a day-

[I tripped on a tree branch, and rolled for a while before hitting the dirt, but continued to run. I was getting tired, and my lung were burning from the cold air I was breathing in. Then suddenly I was completely surrounded by wolves, I couldn't run anymore, so I picked up a stick and decided to fight.]

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