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Mature Language Warning ⚠️

Ajax: Hey, earth to Lucah?

Lucah: Hmm?

[Looking up, I can't believe it's Sunday, and sparring with Ajax again.]

Ajax: You may be a late bloomer but that doesn't mean spacing out randomly.

Lucah: My bad.

[That came out a little too sarcastic, as he approached me.]

Ajax: Something bothering you?

Lucah: We've been practicing this stance for hours.

Ajax: Oh I'm sorry are you going somewhere?

[Scoffing some, I was getting annoyed of this whole condescending leader thing. I know he is but I don't need him talking down to me all the time.]

Lucah: What about my new found senses? I don't want them unlocking at a wrong time-

Ajax: Stand down Lucah.

[Licking my teeth, I turned my gaze down, from his piercing glare.]

Ajax: Learn the stance, everything else will fall into place. If you let it, you're full of impatience.

[He arched to punch me but I caught his hand, and pushed him back once again.]

See? You're already learning.

Theo: Lucah-

[I punched the wall, shaking my hand from my stinging knuckles. As Theo hugged me from the back.]

Theo: What is it? Come on talk to me.

Lucah: The leader is pissing me off, it's not what he's saying, it's how he's saying it. It just makes my skin boil.

[As I huffed irritated, Theo kissed my neck, simmering down my sour mood.]

Lucah: I know I'm being childish it's just...

Theo: Shh, I know.

[It's strange, but a bad thought came into my head. The more I tried to dismiss it, the more it pestered me...

What if Theo has been lying all along just to use me for her vampire gain?]

Lucah: I just need some air.

Theo: Sure you're okay?

[She said grazing my cheek with her thumb.]

Lucah: Yeah.

[Meeting her gaze with my own, I gave her a tight smile before walking to the north side of the woods. Finding a large rock, I sat, then stretched out on it and stared at the afternoon sky.]

Whether or not you're a werewolf or a vampire...

Lucah: How am I supposed to choose?-

Bump Bump

[Cut off by my heartbeat, I blinked feeling my eyes dilate, as I sat up. I could see about 50 yards in front of me, hearing a loud buzz. I turned to see a fly caught in a spider web, hearing rushing water, I saw some trickling down a roof.]

Lucah: That's new...

Let go of me!


Shut up vampire scum!

Ajax: That's the princess, get after her!

[That last part echoed through my ears, as I went into a sprint after the yell. Hearing howling, I just barely slid in front of Theo, catching Ajax's hand.]

Ajax: What are you-

[Sparta kicking him back, he slid back a few feet, so I guess my strength is going up too.]

Lucah: Are you okay?!

[I said turning to Theo, she was kneeling her arm and legs was bitten, along with a fresh head wound.]

Theo: Y-Yeah...

W2: I told you he was a traitor!

W3: Get him!

[Ajax's pack started to attack me, but before PTSD took me down, I started to counter them in a stance. Just kicking or punching them back, nothing lethal. One tried to pull Theo away from me, as I took her tail and threw her far ahead of me.]

Ajax: Enough!

[As the pack froze, I pulled Theo into my arms.]

Ajax: You can't win this Lucah.

Lucah: I don't need to win she just needs to live.

[Ajax started to laugh, as I grit my teeth.]

Lucah: Is something funny?

Ajax: Yes it is, how you fell in love with a vampire. It's priceless!

[He continued to laugh, I started to back away but he shoved me onto the ground instantly, pulling Theo into his arms.]

Lucah: Stop!-

Ajax: No, you realize lying is like breathing for vampires right?

Lucah: Whatever sick twisted thing happened to you when you were young or old, it doesn't define them, not all vampires are bad.

Ajax: How would you know? You only met one, and she's the princess. Don't assume you know me brat.

[Ajax started to choke Theo, which made my nightmare more real by the second.]

Ajax: Let me guess Lucah, she appealed to you're memories and treated you with compassion. That's what they do before tossing you out like trash.

Lucah: Shut up...

Bump Bump

Ajax: Oh I get it now, she's the lover you never had. No wonder she was able to sap you so easily, you're a mental breakdown waiting to happen-

Lucah: Shut up!

Bump Bump Bump Bump

Ajax: And wanna know what the best part is? Even you know that you should've stayed dead like the loser you are, because you're weak.

You're such a baby

You'll miss me like the coward you are

Because at the end of the day you're weak

And it's your fault, it's all your-

Lucah: Fault...

Theo: Lucah?

[A slow tear fell from my eye, as I was mentally shattered.]

Ajax: Ooh, figured I broke something, but didn't think it'd be this pathetic-

[But my emotions were now exploding outwards, directly at you know who. I quickly punched Ajax through a couple trees, before catching Theo in my arms, and placing her down gently.]

Theo: Lucah don't-

Ajax: Whoo! Come on, now the fun begins!

[With angry tears trickling down my face, I started to circle with Ajax. Rage surged through my body to the point that Ajax occasionally glitched to my old girlfriend, Elaine.]

Stop being a pussy and hit me you little shit-

[Yelling I found I had claws now, swiping toward Ajax who just dodged. He gave me a mean right hook, but I dodged his left and suplexed him to the ground. He kicked me back into a tree, then punched me in the ribs, as I felt them crack.]

Ajax: Isn't like sparring is it?

[Swiping at his throat, I just barely scratched it as he elbowed my back, sending my chest straight into the ground.]

Ajax: Stay down.

[My vision split a bit, as I grabbed the dirt, but I rose up to stand. Spitting blood to the side and said.]

Lucah: Never.

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