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[So I know I can't just stroll up to Ajax's pack, they'll kill me on the spot. Right now I'm just going observe their movements, like now, as I chill on a rooftop. Closing my eyes but listening with my ears.]

Ajax: So we meet the elders tonight, remember, let me do the talking.

W1: You tell us this all the time.

Ajax: Well someone decided to breathe too loud.

[As the packed laughed, before starting to move. Opening my eyes, I watched them trickle into a hotel of some kind, had a feeling it had a bottom floor where the elders were. Speaking of, I need a place to stay if I'm going to hatch a plan.]

B1: Hey man, you can't be up here.

Lucah: Yeah? Oh my bad, I'll head on down then.

[Gently patting his shoulder, I made my way down the steps, feeling his gaze on my back. Reaching the bottom, I walked to the edge of the the docks, getting a clever idea.]

M1: Can I help you?

Lucah: Is there any work available here?

M1: Why?

[I can tell this small town is less trusting than my own, which is strangely cool.]

Lucah: I'm a college dropout and I need the money.

M1: Hmm...

[I tried my best not to smirk as he squinted at me.]

M1: Alright you're hired, but if you mess up too many times, you're fired.

Lucah: Wouldn't have it any other way.

[The man rolled his eyes before holding out his hand to shake.]

M1: Isaac.

Lucah: Lucah.

[As we shook hands, he had a firm grip.]

Isaac: Alright Kuna, I won't go easy on you.

[I rolled my eyes then, as he passed me a mop and bucket.]

Isaac: Clean up the dock wood, then move onto the mold on the bottom of the ferry's, got it?

Lucah: Yes sir.

[Doing so took me all night to do, but I resisted sleep as dawn arrived and waited for his next instruction.]

Isaac: Still up huh? Okay, shine the ferry's now.

[As he switched my mop and bucket, with a shiner and rag. I walked onto the ferry Ajax and his pack were on purposely, I wanted to get used to their smell even if it was faint. Spraying the cockpit windows, I rubbed the rag across in one stroke making sure each spot was crystal clear. There are a total of ten ferry's on the docks, and the only mode of transportation from this town. Buses only come in to drop off people. So working on the docks is best place to be far away from Ajax, but just close enough.]

Isaac: Hey.

[Feeling a small shove, I inhaled awake, seeing I dozed off in the first place.]

Isaac: I can't believe you cleaned it all.

Lucah: They call me Mr. Clean-

Isaac: No they don't, got any place to stay?

Lucah: Nope.

Isaac: You didn't think this through did you?

[I chuckled pretty big then, and I was a little surprised Isaac chuckled with me.]

Isaac: Alright, there's a bar across the street with a back bedroom in it, see if you can bargain for it.

Lucah: Seriously?

Isaac: Yes, can't have random people sleeping in the ferry's.

[That is a good point, as I made my way over to the bar. Leaning on the door, I never made direct eye contact until I heard.]

G1: Who are you? I own this establishment and I don't need-

[Sending her an intimate gaze with a smirk, I'm getting better at this influence thing.]

G1: Why are you looking at me like that?

Lucah: No reason...

[I bit my lip some, slightly looking her up and down as she crossed her arms.]

G1: Look, I'm not falling for this bad boy act, it doesn't work on me.

Lucah: Oh yeah? I'm glad, then I would have been disappointed-

[She slammed her hand next to my head, but I didn't flinch, just smirked more.]

G1: Get to the point pretty boy.

Lucah: Aww you think I'm pretty? Then I'll get to the point.

[Done with me at this point, she scoffed, as I towered over her a bit.]

Lucah: I heard a rumor you have a back bedroom in this fine establishment.

G1: There's no way I'm letting a stranger with bad pickup lines within an inch of that bedroom.

Lucah: So you're saying there isn't anything I can help you with to gain your favor?

G1: No so get lost-

[A biker gang of some kind pushed past us and into the bar, immediately causing commotion.]

Lucah: Say, a biker gang perhaps?

[Picking up a flat rock, I threw it up and caught it in my hand, to hear.]

G1: If you survive this, I'll consider it.

[Now I have to be careful not to actually kill them, as I walked into the bar. Counting about five, I saw the leader pour himself some beer, and took a breath before flicking the rock. As it shattered through the glass and stuck into the wall. Everything got a little quiet then, as the gang surrounded me, the leader cracked his knuckles approaching first.]

BL: You're gonna regret that decision weakling.

Lucah: What was that?

[As I cracked my neck.]

BL: I said, weakling.

Lucah: Oh, just had to make sure.

[Sparta kicking him, he flew through a table. As I dodged a punch from another, neck shotting, before throwing him over my shoulder. Two pinned me to the wall, as the last punched me in the jaw.]

B5: How does that taste-

[It was surprisingly weak, but I guess that's human strength for you. Kicking him in the balls, I elbowed the two on my sides, before throwing them all back into the leader. As they all slammed onto the ground, I stretched my arms.]

G1: Whoa...

[Slow claps turned into applause as I humbly accepted it, throwing all the biker gang guys out the door, before helping with anything I broke.]

Lucah: So, can I have the back room?

G1: It'd be wrong not to give it to you now.

Lucah: True, but as long as you want it.

[Giving her another intimate look, she blushed, I took the key from her gently taking her wrist in my own.]

Lucah: What's you're name?

G1: Nia.

Lucah: Okay Nia, I think we'll get along just fine.

[Licking my lips, I chuckled at her blush as it grew from that, I made my way back into the room. Making sure the door was locked, before slamming onto to the bed to sleep.]

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