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[One wolf ran up to me as I swiped the stick into it, it dropped to the ground, another two bit my leg and free arm. As I swiped to get them off, the rest jumped on top of me...

And started to rip and tear my skin apart, mauling me entirely. I screamed in pain, as there teeth sunk into every vital organ and bone, my screaming stopped once the leader bit my throat. He started to pierce my skin as a tear left my eye, and blood pooled under me, my life flashed before my eyes.]

I've made a grave mistake...

Everyone back away!

[Gagging, the last few breaths we're leaving me, before I felt blood trickle down my throat.]

Ajax: Drink it, quickly!

[I swallowed his blood from his wrist, it was about the only movement I could muster, my body was completely broken. Looking over at the new guy, he mouthed "Ajax is my name" before my eyes completely rolled back.]

Don't you die on me


I know I made a mistake but just let him live, he's a good kid.


Thank you, thank you so much.

Bump Bump

[I gasped awake, crawling off whatever bed I was on.]

Ajax: Breathe-

Lucah: No!...

[My voice was raspy, and my view was spinning but one thing was clear, Ajax is bad news.]

Lucah: Stay away from me!

[Stumbling away from him, I pushed through the front flap of whatever tent this was and stepped onto the ground.]

Ajax: I know you're scared, and you have every right to be.

Lucah: Scared?!

[Backing away from him some more, I just fell back onto the ground.]

Ajax: Angry, panic seizing you?

Lucah: I can't breathe, I can't...

[My heart was beating out of my chest, as Ajax snuck up behind me with a back hug.]

Lucah: Let go!-

Ajax: Breathe.

[I struggled in his grip, and yelled a bit, before eventually starting to breathe deep breaths into my lungs.]

Ajax: There you go.

[I swallowed slowly, as Ajax said.]

Ajax: Promise not to run away and let me explain?

[Nodding, he let go, as sat in cross cross.]

Ajax: I'm sure you've watched movies, so you know what vampires and werewolves are.

[Nodding again he continued.]

Ajax: So my pack has been tasked to kill the vampire princess. I tracked her here and her smell was on you, so I made the bad assumption that you were a vampire too.

[Theo is a vampire princess? Well explains the influence thing.]

Lucah: So you kill vampires along the way as well?

Ajax: Exactly, but you were human I had to save you.

[Oh this is so complicated...]

Ajax: What?

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