Chapter 4 Back To School

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I was so nervous about what might happen today, seeing as it was her first day back at school. I mean after everything I had heard about what happened at 'my little incident', I was completely lost for words. Really, who wouldn't be? Now I'm not sure if it's true or not as Chanelle and Luna, but Imaging that you have liked this guy, for what seems like an eternity, and then suddenly when a small accident occurs, you suddenly find out that he likes you too. And has been, for who knows how long. But not only do you find out that, you also find out that one of the most popular football players in the school likes you too. DO NOT TELL ME that you wouldn't find that a bit FREAKY!

I was just... Oh, great I'm almost 10 minutes late, because of this stupid traffic. My mom had insisted that my dad should drive me to school, just in case something happened. I was like, seriously? You don't have to suddenly be on the look out for me 24/7, just because of the small accident. I mean accidents happen from time to time, right? Anyway I'm getting off track.


Now Since I had decided to play the Okay-mom-i-will-do-what-ever-you-want-me-too-sweet-girl-act, I was currently stuck in really bad traffic, listening to country music that my dad enjoyed! Talk about torcher!

'I'm sorry darling, we'll have to find another route, because our main route is blocked. I'm sure it won't take long.' My dad, explained to me, before he started singing along to one of his silly Cow-boy songs.

I didn't say anything. I just sighed and decided to spend some quality time reading my all-time favourite book, Dork Diaries! I just loved Dork Diaries! I was currently readind Dork Diaries 2 and enjoying every word of it! My opinion is of Dork Diaries is just this. I think Nikki and Brandon are meant for each other, I think that Chloe and Zoe are the most funniest and best type of friends that anyone could ever have and finally I think that someone should give Mackenzie what she deserves! Some type of comeback. Dork Diaries shows how Nikki and Brandon like each other but don't know it. Oh, how I wish that there was a book about a girl having to pick from two people and that included how she picked it, but so far I haven't found one! Phooey!

Off Track Again!:

_______________ 1 HOUR LATER

Well we finally made it, after taking 7 different routes. I had missed 2 periods already, well it was only history, so I guess it was okay. I knew enough about those old people.

When I came in the school, I got a pass with an excuse, of why I had been late and then when off to my locker, which was all the way at the end of the hall. Third period had just started. ENGLISH. Oh, well. That was okay. I really liked the teacher, Mrs. Warranlee, she was always so kind and understanding. The only thing that I dreaded was that in this period I had both Zach and Jack, but not Chanelle or Luna. Just Great. Just Great. I took a deep breath, opened the door and walked in.

'Hi Mrs. Warrenlee, sorry I'm late.' I whispered.

I felt all eyes on me and definitely a lot of whispering.

Mrs. Warenlee smiled at me and looked at the pass.

'Oh, It's quite alright. We all hope you are feeling better?' She kind've said and asked at the same time with a cheerful smile, relieving me.

'I'm feeling much better.' I said slighlt more confidently then before.

'Very good, so let's see, where can you sit.....' she looked around at the classroom.

Suddenly a loud noise arupted from the class. Someone had pushed off Timmy, a short guy, who was sitting beside Jack off his chair. Jack was trying to look innocent. Mrs. Warrenlee look confused.

'She can sit here miss.' He said nonchalantly smiling.

'Well..' replied Mrs. Warranlee trying to decide.

Suddenly another noise erupted, this time from the other side of the room. Where Zach was, Tommy(who strangley was Timmy just as short twin=)). Zach also looked innocent.

'Or she could sit here...I mean this seat is available'

'Well...Actually I think that Chelsea can sit in that chair over there. The one right in the middle of Fiona and Taylor.' She finished with a sparkle in her mischievous eyes.

Just great, right between the most popular chic diva's in the school. WOW. This day couldn't get any better! Yeah!(Sarcastic)

Though right before I went to sit down, Mrs. Warranlee whispered something in my ear.

' I see someone's got a thang for you, or should I say some people have got a thang for you.' She smiled and winked at me.

I blushed deeply, but smiled back. You could tell that Zach and Jack were dissapointed, but now they looked even more...what's the word for it..confident and ready maybe.

I walked to my seat, though right before I reached it, something or someone tripped me and my books went flying. NOT AGAIN,SERIOUSLY? I though to myself.It was Tayla's designer bag, oh great I guess FIona has made all of her possee turn against me since what happened. THIS DAY SERIOUSLY COULDN'T GET ANY WORSE! COULD IT?

BUT GUESS WHAT!? IT DID! Immediately two people rushed too my side. Today I am playing lots of guessing games. Guess who the people were?! Zach and Jack! I had things bad enough with Fiona, now her own boyfriend was actually making a BIG effort to help me. Zach kindly gathered up all my books, while Jack was at my side immediately, asking me if I was okay.

'Are you okay Chelsea?' Jack looked to me then squinted suspiciously at Taylor and Fiona.

Before I could reply Zach confirmed. ' Whoever hurt her is gonna get punished.'

Fiona snickered, instead Taylor looked down at her notebook.

'It's okay, I'm fine.' I replied trying to sound convincing even though my ankle and bum really heart.

'Why does everyone always seem to make a big fuss about her. I bet she did it in purpose.' Fiona sneered.

'That was a very stupid thing to say, buy since you seem to know so much about it, why don't you remain after class.' Mrs. Warranlee told her seriously.

Fiona crossed her arms and sighed heavily as everyone settled down and I finally got to my seat. 

'Teacher's Pet.' Fiona hissed.

'Would you like to share something with the class Mrs. Trinity.' Mrs. Warrenlee asked staring at Fiona through her chic spectacles. ( I had always admired how Mrs. W. was always fashionable and it seemed to come to her easily.)

Anyway finally Fiona shut up. Though right before the lesson finished she whispered to me, though loud enough where everyone could here apart from Mrs. W who was talking to a teacher outside. ' Your gonna regret that you ever were born in this little world. Come breaktime your gonna find out what this is really all about.'

I immediately rushed to my locker so I could fine Chanelle and Luna as fast as possible about what had happened. What had Fiona meant? Was she going to hurt me?


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