More Than a Maid - Chapter Three

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Keeping Ravenswood Manor tidy and presentable is hard work. Chamber maid Anna has kept to a strict schedule ever since she had started working at the manor for a number of years. Back then, it was just her and her brother, Jasper, taking care of the family and the manor. Over the years, Thunder Mesa had boomed, and so did the number of jobs. Yes, cleaning and cooking for a living seemed a little low for others, but for her, the pay was just more than money.

Having been accepted for the job for extra help for then baby Melanie, Anne came into the manor with the mindset that she was going to be working for a bunch of uptight snobs. She can clearly remember her first day of work. Jasper was still awaiting news from Mr. Ravenswood for the groundskeeper job, one that would suit him very well. Prepared for the worse, she was certainly taken aback from Martha Ravenswood warm welcome.

"Welcome, darling!" Martha exclaimed, beckoning Anna into the foyer. "Me and Henry are very happy that you're here!"

"O-of course, Mrs. Ravenswood." she stuttered, anxious about her first impression.

"Oh please, call me Ms. Martha. Ravenswood does sound a little demeaning, doesn't it? And I am most definitely the least demeaning person here." she closed the door behind Anna. "But I do say, wait for the intimidation to show up, he's just coming in from a meeting."

"I-i'm very pleased to be here." Anna said, her grip on her bag loosening.

"As am I. Did the work agency let you know of little Melanie?" Martha questioned, motioning Anna to follow.

"U-uh, yes! I have had plenty of experience with little ones. Especially the little rowdy children." Anna said.

Martha laughed. "They can be a bit of pain, yes?" she said, walking into the kitchen.

"Oh, but not my Melanie. I swear, I've never seen a baby sleep so soundly. Please do sit. "

"Just like that? It usually takes a bottle and a bit of playtime." Anna said as she sat down, setting her suitcase on her side.

Martha nodded. "The second I put her down in her cradle and she is snoring in no time. It must be the magic of the land the manor is built on that does that." she chuckled lightly.

"Magic?" Anna enquired.

"I know it sounds mad, but it's true. There is something about this land that has a certain enchantment to it. It was almost like it was called to Henry, like it wanted us here." Martha said. "Oh well, enough about that! Let me show you around!"

* * *

"And finally, the last spot of the grand tour, is Henry's office." Martha pushed the doors wide open, a gush of air hitting Anna in the face.

"Oh my, so many books." Anna awed, clasping her hands together.

"You needn't worry about cleaning those, he always has one of them in his hand." Martha said, picking up a book. "One reason I accepted his proposal, he is a smart man. Smart enough to marry a lovely lady like me." She smiled, poofing up her curly bun.

Anna laughed. "A smart man, indeed."

The sound of the front doors closing alerted Martha.

"Henry, we're up here!" Martha turned to Anna,"If he seems a bit curt with you, he is just tired, nothing personal."

"A bit personal if you are in my study, touching my things." he spoke back from the stairs.

Anna had impressed Martha, and now it was time for the man of the house. Would he be tough but fair, or rude and demeaning? The doors to the study opened, and in walked Henry.

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