Lexie Liang

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In a beautiful penthouse, at the center of the city of Country A, a beautiful woman lied on the sofa with an empty look in her eyes as she used the remote to mindlessly skim through the channels on the TV until she paused on one.

"...and on the latest news, President Li and Layla Zhou, the heiress of Zhou Industries, have finally gotten engaged. Their union is set to make both of the companies Li and Zhou merge and create a global power. Not only will it be an astronomical success, but the couple themselves are gorgeous together!" The lady gushed in praise.

Her partner nodded. "A couple bestowed with everything." The man's expression darkened. "Although, there are rumors of President Li's involvement with another lady."

The woman's face contorted with disgust. "Merely a chicken trying to be a peacock! The mistress is just something that President Li had confirmed to be nothing more than a rumor."

"Ah, I see. It would be a shame for such a union to be broken by such a shameless woman to keep clinging to an engaged man." Both proceeded to insult the 'mistress' even further until the woman frowned.

"Born with such a seductive face... it was no wonder that President Li had been tempted to taste this gilded fruit!"

"What was her name?"

"Although the angelic Miss Layla Zhou hadn't allowed for the press to reveal it even further, I believe it was... Lexie Liang?"

The man didn't have a chance to respond as the remote in the hands of the woman had been flung at the TV, breaking it. Her shoulders shook with anger and tears pooled in her eyes. Her former face that was once filled with life was now dull and twisted with sadness.

The doorknob being turned had startled her and she turned to the source of the sound, a handsome man in his late twenties entering. She had once found his tall, dark, and handsome exterior to be a feast for her eyes, but now, all she could think of was the devil!

If the news reporters were here, they would recognize the man as the President Li that they had referenced earlier.

President Li, or Richard Li, immediately noticed the remote that was etched in the TV in a spur of anger.

"Lexie Liang, what is wrong with you?" He angrily questioned as he walked closer to her.

"What's wrong with me?" Lexie Liang dryly laughed with tears streaming down her cheeks. "What's wrong with your wife feeling angry at being called a mistress? What's wrong with you being the fiancé of another woman? What's wrong with our relationship!?" Her earlier outburst was incomparable to her current wrath. This man, he had thoroughly exhausted her and manipulated her like she was his puppet.

Her hands covered her face and she kneeled down, but he didn't comfort her. He stood there with an icy look on his face. "You don't trust me?"

"How can I trust you?" she asked through clenched teeth. "You've told me to trust you all of this time, but how can I trust someone who blatantly accepts his wife being called a mistress?" She stood up. "No, I've had enough." Her brown eyes glanced at his darker ones with unconcealed pain. "Richard Li, I want a divorce."

He froze at the mention of the word 'divorce.' This was the only true reaction that he had shown all this time and it was at the mention of the word 'divorce.' All the sufferings and misunderstandings, she had never uttered the word 'divorce', and yet, they easily escaped her mouth today?

He grabbed her wrist tightly and stopped her from walking away. He harshly pushed her to the wall and cornered her with his much taller stature. She lifted her head and glanced at him with obscured hatred. He used one of his hands to savagely grip her chin and pulled her face to his, forcefully capturing her lips with his. She struggled and banged her fists against his chest in a weak attempt to defend herself against him, but it was futile and she eventually lost the strength to resist.

He used that moment to pull away and darkly looked at her with open obsession. "You're mine. Lexie Liang, in this lifetime, don't ever think of escaping me." His hand was already reaching beneath her shirt to strip her out of it and pushing her to the sofa to claim her like always. He knew that the best way to appease her anger was to use simple methods such as sex and more deceptive promises whispered in her ears.

At his tantalizing kisses, which were running down her neck to her now-exposed chest, Lexie Liang closed her eyes in dejection and fainted which forced him to stop.


"Is she alright?" She heard Richard Li asking someone. Although she was awake, she was too tired to open her eyes and deal with him and his antics again.

"Yes, but as I've said earlier, this is a crucial point for her because it's developed so largely. It's best if she maintains her diet and watches herself to be healthy," the man said. She presumed that he was the doctor because the smell of disinfectant hit her nostrils the moment that her senses started to focus again.

'Am I pregnant?' That could be the only thing that he meant by those words. At the idea of having a child of her own, a warm feeling filled her chest.

"It doesn't need to grow more. Get rid of it as soon as possible," Richard Li said cold-heartedly and she felt her blood run cold.

"It might be dangerous to get rid of it right now." The doctor tried to persuade, but he was adamant and the doctor only sighed in resignation.

'My baby!' Lexie Liang shivered. As helpless as she was against him, she would never allow him to kill her child. She opened her eyes and tried to get off the bed but was pushed down by Richard Li's strong arms.

"Lie down. You're still weak." He ordered, but she didn't care enough to listen.

"Why?" Her accusatory words were stuck in her throat.

"Why what?"

"Why... me?" Why did it have to be her to lose her child? Why did it have to be him to not want their child?

Richard Li interpreted her question differently and smirked devilishly. His coarse hand grabbed her bruised chin again and claimed her lips like a king who was arrogantly claiming his belonging.

"Blame your seductive face for your fate," Richard Li murmured before he left her alone to contemplate on what he meant by those words.

She depressedly rubbed the temples of her head to ease her headache and wasn't left alone for long before a nurse knocked on her door and opened it with an unrecognizable medicine.

"Miss Liang, we've got you some pain medication to help soothe your discomfort. It'll make you sleepy for a little while so it's best if you just take a nap after taking the pill."

If this was Lexie from before, she would naively believe in the nurse's words and do as she says. But now, she has overheard the decision to abort her baby and couldn't take any chances. She flung the medicine away and curled up into a fetal position on the bed, her arms covering her stomach and her baby.

The nurse helplessly looked at the shattered glass cup and medicine on the floor and turned around to leave to ask other nurses for help to clean it up. Lexie Liang used this moment to escape her room. She didn't feel the pain of the pieces of glass embedding themselves in her flesh nor realized that she left bloody footprints the more she walked away.

She felt her stomach growling, so she assumed that it was from her hunger and her baby demanding for food. Delusionally, she snuck to the empty cafeteria and started to eat food mindlessly.

Every bite went down her throat without the flavor being recognized by her taste buds. Her stomach felt full but she showed no signs of stopping. Even when she felt like vomiting, her eyes were clouded and she ate more food. It was like she was pretending that the food was the method of forgetting everything.

She continued despite the blood dripping from her the side of her mouth soaked her hospital gown. Even when she closed her eyes, she clenched her stomach to protect her child as she drifted to death.

She didn't know that she wasn't actually pregnant—nor that she had accidentally eaten her way to death. 

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