7: The Grace Given to a Fool

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As if it was only a natural motion to her, Atrillia who had slightly curtsied in parting to the Pope and King, swiftly turned to follow the maids, alongside the other two girls. At a separate corridor a ways away from the courtyard, the two girls split from her; presumably on the path to their own rooms.

She was left alone to follow a brown-haired maid, who looked plain on the surface but her simple appearance all too promptly reminded her of a lovely heroine adorned too with soft brown hair and almond eyes.

Earlier, whether it was because of shock or lack of focus, her conscious debates were few in the realms of what had happened to her in her last life before she had been inevitably summoned to this kingdom. She had quickly adjusted to her circumstance, that was for certain, but beyond that, she questioned too little in continuity.

What had occurred at the wedding?

There must've been some reaction to her fall. She had not ventured too far from the after-party, only wanting to seek some air in the garden. If she did fall, some few may have been alerted of her predicament. And they would gather, whether it was to save her or humiliate her in small talk, both would bring attention to her.

Though that would only happen if she had physically fallen and still remained in that world.

Her body was summoned here now, was it not?

And if not, at the very least this clone of her retained her previous appearance quite well. She was still wearing the blue ball gown she wore at the wedding, even her hair remained the same. Her fingers ran through her now loose lavender curls. It was still Atrillia's unique lavender hair, an unmistakable color.

So after all her assumed deductions, what had transpired, had she so mysteriously vanished completely from that otome reality?

Had she duplicated herself and is somehow simultaneously existing in both worlds?

Then again, how did she fall in the first place?

Her steps were steady, and to the best of her memories in her last moments, she had cursed in the belief that she had died.

Had she died?

Or did she vanish?

The more Atrillia thought about it, the more questions were left unanswered in her mind.

Now that she was gone...

Would they—no...would Emi still remember her?

Even if Atrillia had been envious of Emi's fortune, she still considered her a friend. More so, the admiration she held for the heroine from her life before still remained, though it was just a bit faint. She had never truly hated Emi nor blamed her.

She only wondered, if the heroine truly cared for their friendship?

Of course, this would be so, Emi was a pure soul. She had only treated her well, stood against everyone else to be her friend. Atrillia wanted to believe this, but she didn't know when a seed of doubt had taken root in her heart.

If she could choose, now that she was a Hero, would she still be willing to return to that world for Emi?

"Miss Hero..." A nervous voice broke her concentration and Atrillia was reminded of her current actions once more. The voice had been that of the maid, who didn't dare make eye contact with her but had slowed in her steps. Which she unconsciously followed in turn.

"Yes?" Atrillia smiled warmly, trying to encourage the maid to speak up.

"Are you truly from a different world?!" The maid at the slight push, burst with great enthusiasm. Her eyes were bright and sparkling with fascination. Atrillia let out a soft laugh into the hand, her simple ploy had worked so well. This simple maid was too naive.

"Well, I think so," she said after a slight pause, "I still have memories of my last world, and it was different in many ways to this one. For one clear distinction, magic doesn't exist in my world."

"Magic doesn't exist? How is that possible?!" The maid was astonished and completely stopped in her movements to turn to her. Her dark brown eyes were staring intently at Atrillia in anticipation.

"Before that, may I please know your name?" Atrillia asked as she started to walk again, the maid quickly fixed herself and tried to lead when she remembered her duty.

"Miss Hero, I was overstepping the line. I'm sorry." The maid's head was bowed and she didn't dare turn back to her.

"No, there is no need to apologize. I ask for your name, not to reprimand you. I wanted something to address you by." Atrillia quickly cleared the maid's doubts and she turned to her with a tearfully thankful expression.

"Miss Hero, my name is Erika! You are so kind to me, I will forever remember your grace!"

Had her actions thus far been beyond saintly for it to move this maid so?

"It's not a grace you need to remember." Atrillia answered amiably, "Why do you think of me so kind? Are other guests of the kingdom not so?"

"No! How could they be compared to you? The nobles in Pheoles are all weak, but they're beyond arrogant wherever they go. They're even disrespectful to lower church members." Erika had an irritated expression, harboring enmity with the kingdom's nobles.

"Do you not work for the castle, Erika?" Atrillia was surprised at the revelation, she had some concerns in the conversation she had back in the courtyard. The relationship between the Pope and the King was unbalanced in her view, it was a small observation gleaned only by a few details, but she seemed to have been proven correct.

"Of course not, I'm a maid from the church! The church had been my home since I was an orphaned child," Erika said proudly and with a big grin.

"Then are the two other maids also from the church?"

"They aren't, I'm the only one that came from a branch of the church!"


"There are four branches to the church, one main branch, and three side branches," Erika explained eagerly. "I was the one lucky maid that was chosen to serve the hero, but it turned out that there were actually three heroes. I was assigned to you and the other maids were quickly chosen."

"Oh, are those maids temporary?"

"I'm not sure, but I'm glad I was able to serve you, Miss Hero! If there is anything you ever require, I'll be there to get it done," Erika said as she stopped in front of a plain white door.

"It wouldn't cross the line if you would just refer to me by my name," Atrillia answered, as she stopped and turned to the maid beside her.

"Miss Hero! I couldn't—"

"Call me Atrillia."

"Miss Atrillia..." Erika once again displayed a teary expression of adoration, which didn't surprise Atrillia much. Her maid was rather simple-minded, but this wasn't a disservice to her. There were many uses for someone so easy to convince.

"I'll think I'll rest now, as should you," Atrillia said as she entered the room which had been prepared for her. It was a large room, with a king-sized bed, a sofa set and a desk. The room was decorated simply, but just enough for it to be pleasing to the eyes.

"Miss Atrillia, you don't have to worry about me! I don't need a break, I need to continue to serve you." Erika's eyes were determined and Atrillia smiled.

"Very well, can you prepare a bath for me?"

"Yes, I'll fill the tub and lay out roses!"

If this was a chance for her to achieve a good end, then, by all means, she would. The start of it would be magic, something she could finally control herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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