Chapter 8

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Just a few minutes after l said that statement,l knew l had betrayed my friend.Guilty consumed me,if there was one person in this world that she would trust with her secrets that would be me but what did l do,l betrayed her.l took away her one secret and ran away publishing it to others,l didn't deserve her love,l was a bad person that is why l decided l quit my job earlier and move out of the palace.Seeing her face everyday was going to eat me up,that's why l settled on his leaving early.The princess had given me ten thousand dollars,this amount was more than enough for me to start my own business and support me till my business is now giving profit.l didnt think a day where l would be this free,this rich,being my own employer would come but the princess had made my dreams a reality.My dreams had come true.

"Hey princess"

"Umm,Jay when did you wake up?"

"That's not important,l made you breakfast!"

"You did what!"

"Come on,l made you breakfast,sit up straight and eat"

"Jay,you didn't have to"

"Of course,l had to,yesterday was the best night ever and l wanna thank you so l thought breakfast will do the magic"

"You so sweet,um come here"

He leaned closer and l kissed him,If you were to tell me two years ago that a girl like me would know happiness,l was going to laugh at you.l had been born in poverty,grew up there but one day,just one day,the doors to a new life were opened,within a flick of a finger my life was transformed,l tested the beauty of life,the princess gave me the chance to a better life,l owed her so much.l had met up with Jay one day in the parking lot when l was coming from my Boutique,l now ran a clothing shop and its one of the best in town.Since then we became friends and now we are so much in love.l don't know much about him but does that really matter,the important thing is we love each other.Yesterday l decided since l now felt this was love,l should open up more to him,l have him a gift,the most precious gift ever,that's why l am now having breakfast in bed,treated as the queen l am.His queen.

After having breakfast,Jay left the house and l decided l take a bath and visit the shop to see how things are moving.I take a quick shower and settled on black jeans with a yellow crop top,grabbed my handbag and went to my car,settled in my red Benz then drove off to the shopping mall.l decided l pass by the saloon and have my hairdresser work her magic on my hair since l was free all day,l wasn't really in much of a hurry to go to the shop.Today l woke up different,l felt complete,l was a full woman,l was happy.

After she had finished working on my hair,l drove off to the shopping mall,parked my car,brought out my handbag and locked my car that's when l heard the one voice l had grown to know but didn't expect to hear around this place


I turned around and saw Joyce walking to me dressed in princess clothing,wait what she was now a princess??but how could that be l never heard any royal wedding being announced,how come she was wearing these clothes,was she maybe pregnant and they decided that it was best they keep it a secret since it is a disgrace to the Royal family


"You are in princess clothing?"

"Ah,yes its a long story".

"Did you and Nash perhaps...."

"No Come on,l will tell you"

"Tell me about your self,you are now light,increased weight,way beautiful and glowing,wow how are you,how did you..l mean all this wealth"

"Umm,we need to sit down talk over lunch,we have a lot of catch up to do"

"You are right,but now l am having a princess tests so l will be late if we have lunch,can we meet up some time,you can give me your number right?"

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