Chapter 18

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Prince Nash's Pov

This girl must be very crazy,l cannot believe she just tried to throw herself at me.She should at least understand that things are not as they used to be before,l thought a grown up girl like her can also understand actions.She had the wrong timing,l wasn't in the mood for anything,there was only one person in my mind,Alana and l had to work extra hard to get her out of there,tomorrow was the day she was going to be tried,but it was going to be late in the afternoon,different from how they treat everyone else.This case was critical,it was the most difficult case the judges ever came across so there had to be a lot of preparations done.

That night l couldn't sleep,l was on my laptop all night,closely looking at all the information that l had had been given by the team that l had tasked.l wanted to see if they had found anything that could be useful to the case.l know the lawyers are working tirelessly on the case but l had promised Alana l was going to fight for her freedom so that's exactly what l was doing here.It was when l heard the chirping sound made by the birds that l realized that it was already morning,l had spent the whole night seated working on the case and had managed to come up with nothing huge that could make us win this case.

I then slept for like two hours before my maid woke me up,they had already prepared my bath.l went on into the bathing room and bathed.When l finished bathing,l wore my prince clothing and immediately left my room ready to go out,l was skipping breakfast today just like l skipped dinner yesterday.l couldn't get myself to eat knowing very well that Alana was there in the cell not eating anything,l couldn't do that.As much as my mind wanted not to care about this incident,my body betrayed me,l would find myself working extra hard to make sure Alana gets out of prison.

I see Alana's mother seated outside.Honestly l feel terrible whenever l see her that us why l try to avoid her as much as l can.That woman is in pain.She is suffering,she cannot get used to the fact that her daughter is in prison for murder,she is also one of the reasons l am trying by all means to get Alana out of this mess.l cannot continue watching her suffer like this.She is breaking gradually,if the worst is too happen we might also loose her.Everyone else is worried about her.l decide that l pass by and see how she is doing.

"Good morning my queen"

"My prince"

"How was your night"

"Terrible couldn't sleep"

"Same applies with mine,l couldn't sleep"

"You love her right?"

"Uh,with all due respect your highness l care about your daughter"

"I know,then please save her"

I just nodded my head,didn't want to promise anything to her,give her false hope,today was the day the path Alana would take was going to be determined,l was also scared.

I bid farewell to Alana's mother l was going to meet her in the afternoon at the court.l got into my car and drove to my friend's house.l arrived at the house and found Rick glued on his laptop.My friend has been working so hard in order to find something that can be of any help to Alana's case and l appreciate his commitment.l have been standing here for like five minutes and he hasn't noticed me yet so l decided that l made by presence be known to him.

"My man"

"Oh,you here"

"Yes,I'm sorry l didn't see you"

"It's okay,any luck"


"That doesn't sound so good"

"Actually l think l might have something you would want to see"

Princess Alana's Pov

I was so mad at myself,how could l have allowed him to kiss me like that,l was supposed to be mad at him,to throw him out but instead l found myself getting closer and closer to him.Honestly,l hate how my body reacts to his touch.He seems to have some effect on my body no matter how much l try to deny it,my body longs for his touch.It felt so lonely in here after l.threw Nash out.l couldn't stop myself from thinking about tomorrow.Tomorrow was the day l was going to walk out free or be a permanent resident of the cell.My father had hired all the best lawyers in our kingdom and this Kingdom but l wasn't sure if they were going to be able to convince the judge that l was innocent.

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