Part 19 HIS PAST

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next night (let's skip the morning because i am not getting any ideas about what to write)

after talking to the guys i went to room to see eisuke sitting there drinking he drunk i went into bathroom to shower .i came out and i saw he was drinking so much.

i went towards him and took the bottle from him.

EISUKE:hey!what are doing?

KATHY:don't drink more, think about your health.

EISUKE:i am not drunk and i never became drunk.

KATHY:Okay but don't .listen to your fake girlfriend.

he looked at me and patted on the bed beside him.i sat down beside him.

EISUKE:don't you have any questions?

i think he is drunk or else he never ask so, calmly.

KATHY:i have but i never thought to ask because you always became so much angry.

EISUKE:ask me i will answer you without becoming angry.

KATHY: really..?

EISUKE: today is your lucky day ,ask whatever you want to?

KATHY: okay

i said and started to think what to ask. yeah!soryu asked me before about why he is running auctions?i should ask me.should i? what will happen if he became angry?

EISUKE: are you asking or not?

take a deep breathe kathy. you can do it 

KATHY:so....,why are you running auctions?

he thinked about it for sometime.

KATHY:you don't have to say if you do--

EISUKE: i am searching for my sister.

KATHY:do u have a sister?

EISUKE: i was not born a ichinomiya. i was adopted by akira when i was little. my family went bankrupt ,akira was my father's friend. after adopting me he took me to london. there i met soryu and after that all the others. we both are childhood friends.after completing my schools i went again to japan then i got to know that my sister was adopted my another family and they took her to some other place. i am running auctions to search for the person who bankrupt my father. 

i never imagined eisuke not as an ichinomiya. i was shocked as well as sad for him.

KATHY:do you got any clues about her?

EISUKE: i just got to know that she is happy anywhere she was.

KATHY: it is good to know about the person is we care and love are happy somewhere, right? you will find her.

EISUKE:i am happy that she is happy right now and i am not that eager to get her now.

KATHY:okay you are searching for your sister but what about  others.

EISUKE:soryu wants money to run his headquaters ,ota is selling his paitings ,baba is selling the items he steals and i don't know about mamoru.

KATHY: okay

EISUKE: why am i even telling you this? i think i am little drunk.

i started to get up from the bed.

EISUKE: you can sleep on the bed .i will not not do anything.

i listened to him and slept on the bed with him holding me towards his chest

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i listened to him and slept on the bed with him holding me towards his chest.

i slept very peacefully that night thinking about eisuke.


next day i woke up with fresh mind .i think i should go on a walk .i saw beside me and eisuke was not there. i went into bathroom and done my usual.i went down to kitchen and made eisuke's coffee. went to his office put the cup on the table and then i went out of the penthouse .

i started to walk towards the park .i sat on the bench and took fresh air ,it's very relaxing to sit without paparazzi following me.

i mind started to drift to eisuke why do u show me your vulnerable side eisuke ichinomiya?what are you doing to me idiot? i never felt like this before.suddenly i got a call startling me.



EISUKE: where are you? 

KATHY: i am taking a walk. i wanted fresh air.

EISUKE: okay , from next tell me where you are going.



after that i saw children's playing in the park happily while their mother's were watching them. they are so cute.

i saw james and jack walking towards me.

JACK:good morning mam

JAMES:good morning mam.

i nodded my head at them.

KATHY:what happen?

JAMES:nothing we are just protecting you 

KATHY:how many times will you try to repeat me?

JACK:sorry mam but we are doing our job.

KATHY:i know you both are living in the hotel to keep an eye on me and anyway it is a park so many people are here so they will don't try anything so, can you both please give some space.

JACK/JAMES:okay mam

KATHY:no you both can leave.

really they didn't believe their boss's ability. when will they believe me. i sat there for some time watching the children playing .

i got up and started to walk towards the hotel.i left like someone is following me i think they ice dragon's people. i turned around.

KATHY: you can come out i know you are ice dragon's group.

four men came out of the corner. i got a bad feeling about them now. i turned around and started to walk fastly when someone put the cloth on my face and i started to fell dizzy. i am regretting not bringing my gun with me.they throwed me in the van and i lose conciousness.


that was the last thing i said before all is black.

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