Ahhhhhhhhhh! Nah, i just couldn't come up with a random title

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So how have u guys been? Long time no see? Well, I can't really see u camp you can't really see me so that doesn't make any sense.
Oh well! Whatever! This is supposed to be random right? I have a really annoying song in my head and I can't get it out. I can't remember the name of it though so that sucks.
Sorry if this isn't the type of randomness you may of been expecting but that's the beauty of randomness. It's stuff that's odd and you don't expect!
I like putting dots everywhere and poking things with sticks.
The attack of the dots! Ahhhhhhhhhh!
Oh so scary! Gah! What do I doooooooo?!
More dots, nooooooooooo!
Oh, well those are better then dots.
Ok, now they are starting to get annoying
Oh no! It's the attack of whatever you call those things!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The whatever those are called and the dots have teamed up to destroy me!
"Dude, those are the worst evil villains ever." ~?
Ok, you are you and what are you doing here?
"I am nobody." ~?
Who's nobody?
"Me! Mhwa ha ha ha ha!"~?
Ahhhhhh! It's the attack of the nodbody!!!!
"I will eat a pickle now."
Um, ok then.
"Oh great now I'm a pig." ~?
Weren't you always a pig?
"What's that suppose to mean?" Nothing, good bye.

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