❤️Love Quotes❤️

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"One boy, a million thoughts..."

"I'm missing someone right now, and that someone is you."

"You never fail to amazing me. Everyday there is something new that makes me love you even more then the day before."

"Even if I spend the whole day with you, I miss you the day that you leave."

"Sometimes I get quiet all of the sudden. That's when a million and one things are going through my mind." ❤️

"I love it when my fingers are entangled with yours, and my head in on your chest, listening to your heart beat. It made me feel so safe, like nothing can happen to me."

"Before I met you I never knew what it was like to look at a person and smile for no reason." 😊

"I'm not the perfect girl. My hair is never perfect. I spill things a lot. I'm clumsy. And sometimes I have a broken heart. My friends and I fight. I cry. I laugh. I smile. I frown. And maybe somedays nothing goes right. Isn't it amazing how life is one thing then it's another? Life is truly amazing. Sorry if I'm me, but someone had to be. I like being not perfect. My perfect imperfections make me me. Because me being me is who I want to be."

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