Hey, Hey, Hey

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Hello guys, what's up? Yup, that's getting lame now. Anyhow, thank you guys so much for reading and commenting on my book.
It means a LOT to me and I can't stop thanking you guys if you haven't noticed that already.
Randomness time:
Fanfiction questions of the day! Pow! You guys didn't see that coming did ya?
Ok, here we go!
I'm ready for this.
Percy Jackson: "In Percy Jackson, how old was Annabeth when she ran away?"
2.) "What colored eyes does Annabeth have?"
3.) "What Goddess does Annabeth hate the most?"
4.) "What is Annabeth's younger step-brothers names?"
5.) "What does Annabeth fear?" (There are two right answers for this, hint one, think love, hint two think about her childhood fear that all of her step-siblings seem to have)
*I will post the answers for these questions sometime hopefully tomorrow. See you guys real soon and stay tuned!*
Did you know that instead of Percy's nickname being "Percy" it could of been "P.J." because of the first letters of his first and last name. Perseus and Jackson, P, and J. Lol right?
Love you guys! Peace out!
Hey guys I forgot about posting the answers for these questions so here they are:

1.) Annnabeth was 7 when she ran away
2.) Annabeth has stormy, grey eyes and according to Percy, very intimidating
3.) Annabeth hates Hera the most who had tried to kill her several times and godnaped Percy without a warning
4.) Annabeth's step-brothers are named Bobby and Matthew and they are twins if I'm not mistaken, but correct me if I'm wrong ☺️
5.) Annabeth fears spiders, in fact all of her siblings do, it's a child of Athena thing
~thanks again for reading, bye!

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