Why do I Read?

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I read because I can escape reality.
I can be in my own world were everything is perfect.
Well, most of the time at least...
I read because it helps improve my vocabulary and gives me ideas on how I can use those words in future books.
Reading gives me ideas. It inspires me.
I read because it allows me to see what other people think and compare my own thoughts to theirs.
I read because I happen to like that feeling when your reading and you feel that something's going to happen and your trying to figure out what it is.
All of these thoughts and possibilities swimming around in your head trying to see which one makes the most sense.
And how your small, simple ideas can branch of into more complexed ones, like a tree.
I read because reading makes me, me.
Reading is me.
That is why I read... 📚
😊 ~Wonderworks101

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