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"Dosent it hurt when you do that ?"

"Yes, that's the point so I can feel physical pain rather than mental "

" You have everything you have always wanted, why aren't you happy? "

"Well, depression dosent really let me be. You see, it's become so horrible that even if I won the lottery, I still don't think I'll be happy. "

"Wow, your not 'depressed' you are just ungrateful. Ugh I hate people like you never happy with anything. "

" No, it's not that nothing can make me happy. I want to be happy and I'm grateful for everything, please trust me on that. Just I mentally can't anymore, it's fucked with my brain so much that I can't be 'happy' ."

"Oh, well... then why do you do that?"

" Like I said, it's the only thing to distract me from it. The only release I have, but now it's also an addiction. "

"What the hell go get help! "

"I've tried, I really have. Just nothing seems to work. I'm on medication for it, I've seen several therapists, and I wanted to get better. Just it never worked."

"You just said 'wanted',as PAST tense. I guess your just to lazy to find the proper help?"

"No, I've given up. Depression, self harm, has taken over my life. These thoughts have become worse over the past 4 years. I believe it's gotten to a point where it's not curable anymore. "

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