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Eleanor's POV

I just finished soccer practice. So I was packing up for the day. Untill a guy named Oliver showed up. He seems to be everywhere in sight. I don't know why why, ut I sometimes get a weird vibe when he's around. 

Oliver: Hey Eleanor! you rocked that soccer game

Eleanor: uhh.. thanks

Oliver: so, I'm having this birthday party at my house. And I was wondering if you and your sisters would like to come?

Eleanor : umm..

I didn't really want to go, but I'll probably sound rude if I said no.

Eleanor: ...sure why not

Oliver: Awesome! next week saturday, 6pm. Oh and one more thing.

Eleanor: What is it?

Oliver: The chipmunks are coming to, Is that okay?

Eleanor: Ok,  no problem

After he left I let out a huge breath. I felt so scared when he was talking to me. I decided to let it go. I was walking home by myself since Dave  had an important meeting to go to. But  while I was enjoying the peace and quiet, my phone rang. It was from...Alvin?

<<< Phone call >>>

Eleanor: Hello?

Alvin: Hey Eleanor, um there's something I want to talk about. Is the right time?

Eleanor: yeah sure what is it?

Alvin: so you know oliver, right?

Eleanor: Yup

Alvin: Well I don't know if you'll believe this but Oliver is acting kind of strange lately.

Eleanor: like how strange?

Alvin: like how he tried to unlock Jeanette and brittany's locker. I know you might think i'm lying but-

Eleanor: no Alvin I totally believe you.

Alvin: But I'm... wait WHAT?

Eleanor:  you see, I always had a bad feeling when he's around and come to think of it he mostly hangs out with us.

Alvin: well are you invited to his birthday party?

Eleanor: yes 

Alvin: Great, then let's spy on him for more info

Eleanor: can't you just tell simon about this?

Alvin: do you really think he will believe me?

Eleanor: Yeah, you're right. I guess not.

Alvin: Okay we'll meet up at the party. Untill then try to keep an eye on him. If you got and info text me.

Eleanor: Alright, see you then Bye

Alvin: bye

<<< Phone call ended >>>

After the call ended, I reached home.

Eleanor: I'm back

Brittany: what took you so long?

Eleanor: Nothing really. Where's Jeanette?

Brittany: She said that she want going to hangout with a friend.

Eleanor: who is she hanging out with?

Brittany: I don't know

Eleanor: oh wait I forgot to tell you that we are invited to Oliver's birthday party

Brittany: REALLY?!!!

Eleanor: Yes

Brittany: That's great! help me bake some cookies

Eleanor: Ugh! fine

Jeanette's POV

I was on my bed relaxing and reading my favorite book untill I got a text form someone unexpected. Oilver wanted to meet up at the park.

Jeanette: Hey Brittany, I'm going to meet a friend at the park 

Brittany: Oh ok, don't be too long

Jeanette: Alright

I was pretty excited to go because I never had someone popular become friends with me. everyone mostly thinks I'm a weirdo or something.

(A/N : How's it going? This chapter took a long time to make. And now my fingers hurt. But anyway, I really hope you liked it! Don't forget to vote and comment. Have a nice day 


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