Meeting Declin

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The next morning Steve and Paris were woken by knocking on the front of the apartment, "What's the time" said Paris, looking over at Steve as she lay with his arm around and nothing but the sheet barely covering both of them. "Six fifteen am and I guess I should get the door" said Steve. "In a minute" said Paris, pulling him back and kissing him for a very long minute. "I can't get enough of that" said Steve, with a smile. "Or of you" said Paris. "And you as well" said Steve, leaning over to kiss Paris again before picking up his boxers and pants before going to answer the door. Paris lay there for a minute or two she had never felt this happy in a long time not since Declin had been born. She leaned over and picked up Steve's t-shirt off of the floor and put it on before walking out intobthe small kitchen aka the lounge. Steve smiled over at Paris before opening the door that smiled vanished when he saw Cath, "Oh it's you Cath what do you want" said Steve, who now wished that he had put a shirt. "Too talk" said Cath, pushing her way inside. She stooped when she say Paris leaning on the bench with a cup of coffee in her hand on and only Steve's shirt on. "Who are you" said Cath. "Paris you know how I said that my ex was a bitch well her she is" said Steve. "Steve's right" said Paris. "You fucked her Steve and we aren't even divorced yet and I was going to tear into for your lawyer paying me a visit yesterday" said Cath. "Either you sign the papers or anything else you havevto say can be said through Ellie and she'd be damn happy too give me your messages" said Steve. "You won't get the house Steve" said Cath. "Ellie will make sure that I do so I can sell it" said Steve. "Have fun with your whore Steve" said Cath. "Honey I'm no whore and just sign the papers and make life easier for Steve" said Paris. "Fuck the both of you" said Cath, before walking out. Steve shut the door and walked over to Paris with a smile on his face, "She has nothing to do but sign thse papers" said Steve. Paris put her arms around Steve's neck and kissed him for a long while, which was when Luke walked out into the room, "My eyes are burning" said Luke, by the sight of his father making out with Paris. Steve and Paris pulled out of their kiss, "Luke, Paris, Paris my son Luke" said Steve. "Nice too met you Luke" said Paris, with Steve's hands on her waist. "Nice too met you too" said Luke, with an odd look on his face. Paris looked at Steve, "I'm going to take a shower and then go and pick up Declin before dropping him off at school but I'll come by with him tonight" said Paris. "Looking foward to it Paris and meeting your son of course" said Steve, with a smile. Paris kissed Steve before going off to have a shower. "Looks like you really like her Dad" said Luke. "I do" said Steve, before going off to get changed to heas to work.

Paris looked at her son as she dropped him off at school, she got down to his level, "Declin honey tonight I have a friend of Mommy's that I would like you to met" said Paris. "You mean the man you went out with last night Mom" said Declin. "Yes and his name is Steve" said Paris. "Ok" said Declin, he hugged Paris before running off to join his friends. Paris smiled Declin was only five but yet he seemed to know a lot, she then headed home to change into something more suitable for work.

Steve arrived at the scene of the crime instead of heading to Five-O which happened in some cases and today was a day like that, he got out of his truck to see the rest of his team grinning at him like a bunch of mere cat's, "If the wind changes you will be stuck like that" said Steve, as he walked over to them. "We just want to know how your date went last night boss" said Kono. "Best date that I've ever been on and Paris is just so amazing in more ways then one" said Steve. "So what else happened because that smile was kind of not on your face yesterday" said Alex. Steve looked at Alex, " Everyone else find out what happened here" said Steve, so rest of the team didn't hear. Alex took a step closer towards Steve, "So" said Alex. "We are had sex and I'm meeting her son Declin tonight" said Steve, with a smile. "You must have fallen for Paris hard then" said Alex. "I have and I really like her a lot" said Steve. "I couldn't be more happier for you both" said Alex, with a smile. "Thanks so what do we have here" said Steve, turning his attention back to he crime scene.

Malia was already at the shop when Paris arrived a few minutes late for work, "So how did everything go last night" asked Malia, as Paris put her stuff behind the counter. "Better then any date that I've ever been on, Steve's so nice and not only that but caring as well" said Paris. "And is good in a combat situation, so are you seeing him again tonight" said Malia. " Yes because Declin's going to met him tonight and I did meet his son Luke, nice kid" said Paris. "And I'm guessing that Steve put that smile on your face all of last night" said Malia, beaming at Paris. "Yes we had sex last night and yes I really really do like Steve" said Paris, smiling happily as Malia enthusiastically hugged her.

That evening Steve had just gotten home when Paris arrived with Declin, Luke was in his room doing his homework. "Come in" said Steve, letting them both in and shutting the door. "Is it ok if Declin either sleeps on the couch or on the floor in Luke's room" said Paris, as she put his stuff down. "I know we're a little tight on room but the couch sounds best" said Steve. Declin looked up at Steve, Steve got down to the kid's level, "Hi I'm Steve a friend of your Mom's" said Steve. "Are you sleeping with my Mom" said Declin. Steve looked at Paris, "Ok Declin you can go and play once you've finished your homework" said Paris. "Yes Mom" said Declin, as Paris gave him his homework from his school bag. Steve stood back up, "He's a good kid" said Steve. "Thanks but it hasn't been easy being a single Mom, normal guys hear that I have a kid and they just run for the door" said Paris.

"In case you haven't notice but I'm not like them Paris" said Steve. "I know that Steve just by looking at you and I really really like you" said Paris, as she looked at Steve. "I really really like you as well Paris" said Steve. She pulled herself closer towards him as he put his hands on her waist before kissing her.

In bed that night Paris ran her fingers through Steve's hair as he thrusted his hips, they looked into each other's eyes before kissing each other. As they made love that night Steve and Paris both realized that they had a future together and it was actually going to work because they both felt the sameway about each other.

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