Steve, I'm pregnant

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Paris woke only to discover that she had over slept and not that but she wasn't feeling like her normal chrippy self, she looked at the clock which said eight fifteen am. Steve with a cup of coffee in his hand wonder into the bedroom, "I was going to wake you but I decided not too" said Steve, sitting down on the bed. "Glad you didn't, hey are you able to drop Declin off at school today" said Paris, looking at him. "Yeah sure are you to call late into work or what Paris" said Steve. "Honestly I think I'll just call Malia and get Kilinea or Summer to cover for me today" said Paris, who just wanted to go back to sleep. Steve leaned over and kissed her, "Just rest for the day Paris" said Steve. "I will Steve" said Paris, she kissed him again before he left to take Declin to school and then head to Five-O. Paris then reached over and picked up her phone and called Malia, "Hey Malia can you get Summer or Kilinea to cover for me today" said Paris. "Mind me asking why" said Malia. "Somethings just come up for today that's all" said Paris. "Ok I'll see you tomorrow or later on" said Malia, as she hung up Malia had one thought, I am betting one to hundred that Paris is pregnant, thought Malia with a smile.

Paris put her back and decided to get up and have a shower after she had a shower and had put on something comfortable Paris went through the bathroom cupboard until she found what she was looking for, Paris took the pregancy test out of the box she knew what to do so she didn't bother reading the instructions. After doing what she needed to do Paris spent what seemed like the longest three minutes of her life waiting, eventually Paris looked down as she sat on the bed with the pregancy test in her hand, she saw that it was positive, I'm pregnant, thought Paris, whose next move was to call Steve.

Steve and Alex were outside the house of a suspects and were getting ready to raid the place when Steve's phone went, "Hey Paris is everything ok" said Steve. Alex just looked at him. "Steve I need to tell you something but I want to tell you in person" said Paris. "Ok I'll finish here and I've got to see Ellie about the thing to do with the house but I should be home within an hour or so" said Steve. "See you then Steve" said Paris, before hanging up. "After this your in charge for an hour or so Alex" said Steve. "Copy that" said Alex, who wasn't going to say anything more on the subject.

After the raid Steve headed to Ellie's office, "Can you make this quick because I'm a busy person" said Steve, taking a seat. "Alright, the for sale sign goes up on the house later on today, and when are you able to rest of your stuff out" said Ellie. "I have everything that I need around at Paris's, the rest will just go into storage or be sold" said Steve. "Good because this should be a wake up call to get her to sign the papers" said Ellie. "Let's hope and I really need to be somewhere" said Steve, standing up to leave.

Alex took the suspect down to interrogation before entering the main part of Five-O, "Wasn't Steve with you when you left" said Kono. "Yes but he had to see his lawyer about something and Paris called to say that she wanted to see him" said Alex. "Then why didn't she came here in person" said Danny. "Listen Detective Paris is family and I don't really like you disrespecting my family in front of me, so unless you want me to hand you over to her brothers and they'll show you how things are really done on this island or risk me or Steve kicking your ass" said Alex. "Didn't know family meant that much to you" said Danny. "Well it does" said Alex.

Paris was just watching a surfing movie when Steve arrived home, she turned the sound down as he came inside. "Good news thanks to Ellie I get to sell the house from under her" said Steve, sitting down on the couch next to Paris. "That's good news for us but not quite as good if she'd sign the damn papers" said Paris. "That's the next part according to Ellie, so what did you want to talk to me about Paris" said Steve, looking at her. "Before I do can I tell you the story of how I was adopted" said Paris. " I'm listening Paris" said Steve, as he put his hand over hers. "I was born one day before Malia and so when Vi and Malia's father went to take her home they say that I was the only baby left there. Vi asked to hold me and as she did a baby Malia reached over and held my hand and that's when they knew that I was meant to be Malia's sister so they adopted me" said Paris. "What happened with your birth mother" said Steve. "She didn't want me and I've never met her and I don't ever plan to because Vi's my mother" said Paris. "I don't even know why I'm about to ask this but then why is your last name Bentley and not Jones" said Steve. "It's actually Bentley Jones but I never took out my real mother's last name and I guess I should at some stage" said Paris. "You don't have to if you don't want to Paris" said Steve. Paris looked down and then back at Steve, "Steve I'm pregnant" said Paris, looking at him. Steve put his hands on Paris's face and kissed her, he leaned his forehead aganist hers, "That is the best news that I've heard all day Paris" said Steve. "I couldn't be anymore happier about it Steve" said Paris. "Me too Paris" said Steve. "And I know that it happened quickly Steve but it's meant to be" said Paris. "I think that as well Paris because I love you" said Steve. "I love you too Steve" said Paris, as she moved her hand down and across her stomach. Steve moved his hand down across Paris's, "So we're having a baby" said Steve. "yes we're having a baby" said Paris, with a smile before Steve kissed.

On his way back to Five-O after from following up on a lead Alex stopped by Surfer's Paradise to see Malia, "Hey what brings you by Alex" said Malia, looking at him. "Well I've just finished following up a lead and thought that I might stop by and see you and plus Danny pissed me off" said Alex. "What did he do now" said Malia. "Disrespected the family by what he said" said Alex, looking at Malia. "One day someone's going to kick his ass for it" said Malia. "Yeah I wonder who" said Alex, with a laugh. Malia leaned over and gave him a kiss, "I'm guessing that Steve isn't working today is he" said Malia. "He was earlier on but Paris called him about something and you know me I'll either work with Kono and Chin but not Danny" said Alex. " Well I'm betting that Paris is pregnant" said Malia. "That thought did cross my mind as well when Steve left" said Alex. "Guess we'll find out soon enough" said Malia, before Alex kissed her again.

Steve returned to Five-O to get his gear for the day since the day was almost over anyway, "You guys get the case finished" said Steve, as he ran into Alex. "Yes we did and Danny did piss me off" said Alex. "I'll deal with that another day" said Steve. "What did Paris want today" said Alex, as Steve locked up Five-O for the night. "Besides us the only other person you can tell is Malia" said Steve. "You know that you can trust me Steve" said Alex. Steve unlocked his truck and threw his gear in before looking around to make sure that no one was within ear shot, "Pars is pregnant" said Steve. "Well congrats to you both, how far along" said Alex, givinghim a breif hug. "Not sure yet she just found out today" said Steve. "Well congrats again and the other person that I will tell is Malia" said Alex. "Thanks and I'll see you tomorrow Alex" said Steve, before getting into his truck and headig home.

Later on that evening after dinner Steve and Paris decided that now would be the perfect time to tell Declin that they were having a baby together. Steve sat down on the couch next to Declin as Paris sat down on the other side of her son and turned the tv down, "Declin we have something that we want to tell you" said Paris, looking at her son. "What is it mommy and Steve" said Declin, looking at them both eagerly. Steve looked at Paris, "Soon you will have a baby brother or sister Declin" said Steve. Declin just starred at Steve. "Because I'm pregnant and the easiest way to sum it up Declin is that me and Steve are having a baby together" said Paris. "Hope I get a brother" said Declin, before getting off the couch and running off too play in his room. Paris moved over to Steve as he put his arm around her, "Think it's sunken to him yet" said Steve. "Give it a little time and it will" said Paris, with a smile before kissing Steve. As the kiss got more serious there was a knock at the front door, "Who would stop by now" said Steve, as he got up off the couch to answer the door. He answered the door too see Cath, "Who in te hell told you that I was here" said Steve, as she pushed her way inside, "And I did not say come in" said Steve. Declin then came back out of his room, "Declin sweetie go back into your room" said Paris. He did as she said. "Oh how cute your slut has a kid Steve" said Cath. "What do you want" said Steve, as he went over and stood next to Paris who was now sitting at the dinner table. "Your selling the house out from under me Steve" said Cath. "Yeah I am and soon as you sign the papers you'll be nothing but a stranger to me" said Steve, folding his arms across his chest. "I thought by now that you would have come back to your senses and instead your still fooling around with this tramp" said Cath. "Trust me bitch we aren't just fooling around its more then that" said Paris, standing up. "What are you in love with her Steve" said Cath. "Yes I've fallen in love with Paris" said Steve. "I don't fucking believe this" said Cath. "And I've fallen in love with Steve" said Paris, as he put his hand on her waist. "So your not going to come back to me Steve" said Cath. "Not even if your were the last person on earth" said Steve. "You'll have the papers by morning then" said Cath. "One last question who told you where Paris lives" said Steve. "Danny after he tried to talk some senes into you" said Cath, before leaving. Steve then looked at Paris, "Detective Williams is currently walking a very fine line with me" said Steve. "Well I don't care much for him anyway" said Paris, as she fiddled with the bottens on his shirt. "You're so turning me on right now Paris" said Steve, as he pulled her in and kissed her.

Later on that night after making love and celebrating the fact that they were having a baby together Paris lay in Steve's arms, he had his arm around her so that his hand was resting across her stomach. Paris had her fingers interlocked with Steve's, "I am completely and over the moon happy that we're having a baby together" said Paris, looking at Steve. "Nothing even compares to how happy it makes me Paris and plus unplanned is better then planned" said Steve. "I'll agree with you there Steve" said Paris. "And does doing what we just did say how much that I love you Paris" said Steve. "It does every single time Steve" said Paris, before they both kissed each other long into the night.

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