Meeting rest of the family

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Steve and Paris along with Declin were going around to Vi's Paris's mother's place for lunch on a Saturday afternoon it was also a chance for Steve to meet rest of the family. Paris leaned over and kissed Steve before getting out of his truck, "They won't interrogate you Steve if that's what your thinking, well my brothers might" said Paris. "I've been through worse remember by ex wife is a piece of work" said Steve. " How could I forget she hasn't signed those papers yet" said Paris, as Steve put his arm across her shoulder. "Ellie's doing what she can" said Steve. "yeah, not quick enough" said Paris, before giving Steve a kiss as they walked. Declin ran ahead and into the house. Alex was out on the front deck with Malia and few other family members when they appeared, "Steve how's things" said Alex, giving him a breif hug. "You work for me and I do get the feeling that Danny is about to end up on by bad side" said Steve. "That's a conversation for another day" said Alex. "Yeah" said Steve, as Malia, came over. "I honestly couldn't be anymore happier that you two are now together" said Malia, with a smile. "It's been what four weeks" said Paris, looking at Steve. "Something like that, yeah" said Steve. "I heard that you're now living together" said Malia. "Only because my sister is back on the island and I still haven't found a place yet" said Steve. "She still hasn't signed yet" said Alex. "Nope but Ellie's trying to work another angle so I should hear something back within the next two weeks or so" said Steve. "And it just means that things are serious between us" said Paris, as she pulled Steve into kiss him.

As they made their way into the house where everyone else was Paris introduced Steve to her mother, "Mom I'd like you to meet Steve McGarrett" said Paris, leaning on the kitchen bench since her mother was standing on the other side. "Nice too meet you Steve and so your the one who stole my daughter's heart" said Vi. "Yes Ma'am and she stole mine" said Steve, putting a hand on Paris's waist. "As I said Alex also works alongside Steve at Five-O" said Paris. "So is that how you know him" said Vi. "That and we were in the SEAL'S together" said Steve. Vi looked at both Steve and Paris and she saw that they actually made each other happy, "I like you Steve and I can see that you make Paris happy" said Vi. "He does very much" said Paris, with a smile. "And so do you Paris to me" said Steve. "Well welcome to the family Steve" said Vi, coming around and giving them both a hug.

Danny couldn't believe what he was about to do but if he ended up on Steve's bad side he ended up their, he knocked on Cath's front door, she opened the door to see Danny, "What do you want Danny" said Cath. "Too talk" said Danny. "Well come in then" said Cath, letting Danny in and shutting the door behind her.

As Steve sat on the couch with Paris along her brothers from outside, "Mikala, Daniel and Keoni I'd like for you too meet Steve McGarrett" said Paris, as they came over their way. "McGarrett aren't you the guy that Alex works with" said Daniel. "Works alongside and I perfer Steve" said Steve. "Not to sound like an ass but do you make our sister happy" said Keoni. "Yes Steve does make me very happy in more ways then one so unless you want intimate details I'd choose your next question wisely" said Paris, who had no idea where that sudden out burst came from. "Excuse me" said Paris, quickly getting up and leaving the room. "And yes Paris does make me very happy" said Steve. "Good because we would hate to of had to kick your ass" said Mikala. "Yeah that would be a bad idea" said Alex, coming over. "Why's that" said Daniel. "Cause just like me Steve is a former Navy SEAL" said Alex. "Good to know and welcome to the family" said Mikala, giving Steve a brief hug. Paris looked at herself in the bathroom mirror she was more happy then she'd been in a long time but she had noticed that over the past few days her moods changed from happy to either sad or angry with no warning and she knew that it had nothing to do with Steve and the only thing that Paris could figure that it was close to her time of the month. She ran cold water over her face before leaving the bathroom where she ran into Malia, "Everything alright Paris" said Malia. "You know just that time of the month" said Paris. "Yeah I know all about it" said Malia, with a laugh. "Come on let's go and join everyone else" said Paris, changing the subject.

Steve was talking with Alex out in the lounge when Paris walked back in along with Malia, "Everything ok" said Steve, as he put a hand on Paris's waist. "Everything's good Steve" said Paris, as she put her arms around his neck and kissed him. Everyone looked on as Paris and Steve kissed each other and there was no dyeing that they made each other happy.

On the drive home that afternoon Paris looked at Steve, "So they aren't as bad as what you had first thought" said Paris. "Your family is normal compared to mine Paris" said Steve. "I gathered that after what you told me Steve and some day I'll tell you how they adopted me" said Paris, as Steve put his hand over hers. "I know you will Paris and something like that isn't easy to talk about" said Steve. "It never is" said Paris, as she looked at Steve.

As they pulled into Paris's driveway Steve and Paris saw Danny waiting beside his car and this was Paris's first time meeting Danny, "What the hell does Danny want" said Steve, looking over at Paris. "I don't know" said Paris, as they got out of his truck. "This can't be good, hey do you want to take Declin inside Paris" said Steve, before leaning over and kssing her. "Ok" said Paris, taking Declin's hand in hers, she that Steve was about to tear Danny a new one.

"What brings you by Danny on a Saturday afternoon" said Steve. "I was hoping that you would still be at Mary's apartment but I went by and she said that you'd moved in with well her" said Danny, indicating Paris. "What's it to you Danny" said Steve. "I also had a nice little chat with Cath and she hasn't signed those papers yet because she's trying to save your marriage Steve" said Danny. "Oh wow, well you can go back and tell her that I don't really give a shit what she does as long as she signs those papers and sets me free" said Steve. "You've changed Steve and you did that when you that new tattoo and when you met her" said Danny. "Watch your mouth detective" said Steve. "You both moved in together so quickly and she must be good in bed then" said Danny, smartly. "I like Paris and nothing that you say or my bitch of an ex wife say is going to make a difference, and yes things may be moving a little quickly but that's only because both me and Paris know that we have a future together" said Steve. "Yeah whatever" said Danny. "Make another smart comment Detective and I'll put your ass on desk duty for a week" said  Steve. Danny then left knowing that he had just ended up on Steve's bad side.

Steve then went inside Paris could tell that he was annoyed by what had just happened with Danny, "What happened Steve" said Paris, sitting down next to him on the couch. Steve looked at Paris, "Danny just got into me by saying that I changed when I met you and I got that tattoo done because I wanted too" said Steve. "What would Danny know anyway and from what you've told me Steve he can't keep a stable relationship even if he tried" said Paris. "I know so who is he to go and say that anyway and yes I did change when I met you Paris because you make me happy" said Steve. "And you make me happy as well Steve" said Paris, as she put her hands on his shoulders. Steve turned his head and kissed Paris before leaning his forehead aganist hers, she put her hands on his face and kissed him again both getting lost in the moment.

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