What Come's Next?

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"Oh my god Tommy!" Bubby said, looking at Tommy. Tommy stayed silent as he dropped to his knees holding the gun. He suddenly groaned in agony, holding his head.

"T-tommy?!" Gordon said, trying to stand, groaning. Benrey stood and helped Gordon over to where everyone gathered around Tommy.

"Let's get him in the house." Gordon held onto Benrey. Coomer picked him up and they rushed back to the house. Gordon had to look back to make sure G-Man was truly dead. His corpse laid there in the distance, he had met his demise. Benrey shut the door and laid Gordon on the couch. Benrey kneeled by his side and held his hand.

"You'll like, be okay bro." Gordon chuckled,

"Y-yeah. I know." The two looked where Tommy sat in the leather chair, still gripping his head with Darnold in front of him, kneeling on the ground.

"Tommy?" Darnold put a hand on his leg, Tommy was unresponsive as he held his head, groaning.

Everyone watched Tommy in silence, minus a grunt of two from Gordon. Tommy eventually let his hands fall to his side as he leaned his head back, dazed.

"G-guys?" He looked around the room, blinking.

"Oh thank god. We thought you were going to explode." Bubby said, standing with Coomer who nodded in agreeance.

"I'm okay! My dad just... he transferred it all to me... and it hurt a little." Gordon groaned and sat up.

"Shit Tommy, you shot your dad, are you sure you're all good?"

"Yes! I. I knew I had to do that..." Tommy sighed and smiled slightly.

"Yo so what uh powers you got?" Benrey said, smirking.

"Oh! I can teleport, summon things, stop items in motion, and my eyes can glow yellow!"

"Wonderful Tommy!" Coomer said.

Darnold had walked over to Gordon and examined his leg.

"I have to say, I was surprised when I woke up in the hands of your father Tommy, I thought I was gone for sure."

"I'm sorry Darnold..." Gordon muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's okay Gordon, I understand not everyone can be rescued. I heard Benrey was very lucky he survived." Darnold checked out Gordon's wound more.

"Do you have a first aid kit?"

"It's under my sink in the kitchen." Bubby left to grab it and gave it to Darnold.

"Here." He went back to standing by Coomer.

Darnold worked on getting the metal out of his leg, cleaning the wound, and then stitching it.

"Thank you so much Darnold." Gordon smiled, looking at his leg.

"Of course, thank you for rescuing me." Darnold smiled.

"What happens now Gordon?" Coomer asked, looking over at Gordon.

"Oh... Well, I don't know. Take a road trip together?" Gordon looked outside, realizing they were back in his quiet suburb.

"BBBBBROAD TRIP AH HA HA!" Benrey cackled. Gordon smiled warmly.

"Other than that... We'll see what life brings us." Gordon looked at everyone and sighed.

"Can Darnold stay with us?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah of course! I wouldn't just throw him out into a world he's never experienced!" Gordon chuckled.

"Oh good!" Tommy hugged Darnold who awkwardly hugged back.

They spent the rest of the day telling Darnold what they knew and going through the basics of the real world. After that, they showed Darnold video games while Coomer pulled Gordon aside.

"Gordon... Bubby and I have decided we wish to get married." Gordon smiled,

"Wait, really?" Coomer nodded.

"Oh shit, that's. That's honestly adorable. Well, it's a lot of planning but. I'll help you two." He pulled Coomer into a hug.

"When do you and Benrey plan to, you know... tie the knot?" Gordon's face turned red.

"We've b-barely been dating a week Dr. Coomer."

"Well it's never too early to start planning." Coomer smiled and joined Bubby on the floor.

Gordon rubbed his face, joining Benrey on the couch.

"You uh, you okay tomato head?" Benrey asked, wrapping an arm around him.

"Y-yeah, I'm good."

"What uh, did Dr. Coomer tell ya?"

"Bubby and him are getting married."

"Poggers." Gordon chuckled, glad he left it at that.

Maybe Coomer was right, maybe they could start thinking that way. He glanced at Benrey, he knew the idiot would want to wear a dress so that's one thing he had to save for. He smiled to himself, he's never imagined himself watching someone walk down the isle and taking his last name, did Benrey even have a last name to replace? He looked over at the other and smiled.

"I like your big monster form." Gordon said, looking at Benrey, "It was really brave what you did." Gordon planted a kiss on his head.

"Thanks feetman." He rested his head on his shoulder.

"Do you ever think about marriage?" Gordon rolled his lips.

"Uh, yeah." He chuckled, "Why? Does uh cringeman want to get uh, married? Wanna put a ring on me?"

"One day, if we stay together long enough... " Gordon watched as Benrey's face turned a slight shade of pink.

"I'd uh, be down. Do I like, get to wear a dress and shit?" Gordon knew he'd ask.

"Sure." He smiled as he saw pure happiness wash over Benrey's face.

Tommy sat next to Darnold, showing him how to play Super Punch Out! While Tommy told Darnold about what happened after they left his lab.

"So... Benrey was dead?"

"Yes! But, he made himself again!"

"How... peculiar.... And what about Gordon's arm?"

"He never lost it in real life, it was all in game!"

"That's quite odd..." Darnold rubbed his chin.

"We can also change clothes! And Sunkist has a collar now so he never gets lost!" Darnold smiled, listening to Tommy ramble on.

"Do I get to experience clothes shopping...?" Tommy looked at Gordon who nodded.

"We could go tomorrow." Gordon said, watching the two chat.

"Tommy, how long did you know Darnold before we all met in his lab?" Gordon asked, holding Benrey while he rested on his chest.

"Oh! He showed me around Black Mesa my first day of work actually!"

"Oh, that's... A lot longer than I expected." Gordon looked to Bubby and Coomer who were both on their phones, seemingly texting each other. He rolled his eyes and heard his own phone ding. He looked at them and then pulled out his phone, looking at the text group the two added him to.

Bubby: I think we figured out who Tommy likes.

Coomer: We believe Tommy likes Darnold!

Gordon: Well, that's a bit obvious. Tommy hasn't looked away from Darnold in hours it seems.

Coomer: I think we should help him on the road trip!

Gordon: Okay, that sounds like a good plan. Should we make a run to get like, flowers and shit?

Coomer: Wonderful Idea!

Gordon put his phone away and stood,

"Hey, I'm going to uh run to the store. If Darnold get's tired can you show him where he'll be sleeping with Tommy on the pull out bed? Maybe give him some clothes?" he winked at Coomer.

"Of course Gordon! Be safe!"

Gordon nodded and left for the store.

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