《Chapter 7》

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I woke up to Canada softly shaking my shoulders "Hey (N/n), We are here" He lets go of my shoulders and smiled at me, His too friendly- friendly people can sometimes be bad... how do I put this.. can be more dangerous than a dangerous criminal, I learned that from Mom..

I got out of the car and looked at their house- more like a fucking mansion.. and I heard more girly screams from inside! Meaning that.. Australia is still scaring America with the snake. Canada sighed as we both entered the mansion "I'm so sorry that you have to come here to America screaming like a girl" he said to me as he facepalmed a bit when we both see America and Australia run into the living room... Britain was clearly annoyed so he scolded both of them about MaNnErS- ahem manners... until he stopped scolding them when he finally saw me "Ah, hello miss N/n, I apologize for America and Australia's behavior" he said as he made his way towards me and stretched his hand out for a handshake.. I shook his hand since it would be rude if I didn't accept the handshake. "I am United kingdom, but I prefer Britain" he said to me.

At least he didn't call me any pet names or kiss my hand since we are both strangers and kind of considered my personal space without knowing.. what a nice man- NO! I don't know them.. they are quite deceiving.. I don't know them.. well, I only know a bit about Canada, but he's still considered a stranger to me...

Both me and Britain let go of each other's hand and put them on our own sides.. "It is nice to meet you Britain" I said to him trying not to be rude.. "it is a pleasure to meet you too, Miss (N/n)" he said as a certain Australian walked up to me "Hello! I'm Australia, but others call me Aussie! How are you (N/n?)" he asked as he had the snake around his neck well.. the snake is just chilling there "Hi, I'm... still not okay with this whole.. situation, I guess" I rubbed my arm a bit indicating that I'm uncomfortable because of what happened.. it wasn't a good first impression after all..

"It's alright! You probably stayed isolated for so long anyway.." Australia told me as the snake around his neck flickered it's tongue in curiosity.. I just giggled at the snake's cuteness! Animals are so cute! Well, not when they attack you, but still!

The snake just stared at me with curiosity as I can feel my heart melt.. ah, I have such a soft spot for animals.. I want to pet it, but I won't since most snakes are not comfortable with too much physical contact.. as I just got a bit close to the snake "Hello.. you're one curious fella aren't you?" I was smiling under my mask.

I could have sworn that Australia's eyes sparkled with excitement like he just found a new friend with the same interest..? Eh.. I could be seeing things.. I took a step back for now as someone with almost a similar flag as Australia came up to me "Kia ora (N/n)" he stretched his hand out and I shook his hand "I'm New Zealand" he said as we both let go each other hands, another country went up to me and said "Bonjour! I'm France! Nice to meet you mon ami!" I tilted my head and repeated "mon.. ami??" I blinked in confusion since I am not a Polygot or Polylingual..

My prayers got answered by Canada "Mon ami means my friend" I nodded as France apologized if I was suspicious about that but I just told her it was fine..

"Well Mon ami! Do you want to have a chat with us? - Actually are you hungry? I hope you got to eat before coming here!" France kept talking.. like a worried mom... its been so long since I've received this kind of treatment, maybe cause I have been hiding and running my whole life? Or maybe it was due to my anxiety of being left behind by my adoptive mom Ros? She left too soon.

I tried not to let a tear form since France kind of reminded me of mom..

Mom would always worry over small things and my health, Heck if she could, she would dash everywhere like a squirrel! It was hilarious, but the best part is when I get sick.. she would immediately drop everything and run to me.. takes care of me.. sing a lullaby to me even though I said I was a big girl.. honestly, I'll never get over her death.. all those precious times I had with her seemed like it was just a dream but in a blink of an eye it just disappeared like it never existed.

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