《Chapter 8》

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It's has been 2 weeks since I have been watched by Britain, France, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.. America? Well, he just visits sometimes since he doesn't live with them.

Do I trust them yet? No, of course not, My trust doesn't just go around for free in just a few weeks and they keep attacking my introverted ass.. like New Zealand crashing into the guest room that I was sleeping in and yelled at the top of his lungs that startled me so bad that I fell off the bed, Australia just showing me all of his pets that he keeps in rooms well it didn't annoy me it just made me worn out from interacting so much, Canada pouring lots of maple syrup on my pancakes which I can tell was unhealthy as hell or France being a worried parent just well.. worries about others and stuff.... what about Britain? his kind of chill though he drinks a lot of tea and invited me for tea which I often say yes to.

Today was just another normal day for the family that's watching over me.. oh did I say normal? For me it isn't normal since I live alone and usually in my house it is very silent.

I'm still trying to get used to the fact that I am socializing- I despise socializing, but I cannot avoid it at this point since I can't just run now...

I slowly pulled my necklace out from under my shirt and stared at it as I gently touched it.. I smiled at the thought of mom.. Maybe my questions will never be answered since she said herself that she'll answer my questions when the time comes.. guess my mind will always wonder about it because she's not here anymore, I need to stop crying.. if she was here she would have been upset and wrap her arms around me in a huge warm hug.. telling me that she loves me with all her heart and that if she could.. she would just pour all her love on me even if I get drowned in it! Haha, she was a very silly woman with a big heart..

The world is so unfair to take the kind ones away first.

Shedding a tear and wiping it away, before I can fix the bed there was a knock on the guest room "the door is open" I said as I watch the door open to reveal Canada "oh hey Canada" I still had my mask on so no one in the mansion has seen my face fully.. just the top half though.

"Hi (N/n), I was wondering if you wanna go to the amusement park with me and my brothers" Canada said to me as I started to think about it.. He's looking at me hoping that I would join, It took a bit of thinking and I saw him slightly looking down.

I sighed, guess that I'll never win huh? "Sure" I watched as Canada's face lit up with happiness "don't worry (N/n)! We will have lots of fun! Wait- have you been to a amusement park before?" Canada asked me. now that I think about it, it has been a while since I have gone to an amusement park.. I shook my head as a no.. Canada smiled at me and understood "okay we'll be going at 1 pm.. is that okay?" He asked me again as I just checked the time right now.. its 10 am.. I nodded

"Okay, see you later (N/n)!" Canada closed the door and left, I look at the bag that I packed up from two days ago since I didn't want to go back and forth from my house to their mansion so eh.. I opened my bag and pulled out some clothes and a new mask.. after taking them out I paused as I stared at the flower ornament that you put on your head.. another present from my mom.. I was thinking whether I should wear it or not. I decided to just wear it so I took it out of the bag and closed my bag as I went to the guest bathroom that was connected to the guest room so I don't have to go out.

I took a nice bath and it smells nice too.. after taking a bath, I put on my clothes and the flower ornament on the side of my head as I softly sighed and put on my new mask.

I left the bathroom as I just folded the clothes that I just wore earlier and put them in a cabinet that the others have told me to put my used clothes in.. I was a bit confused, but I didn't argue with the.. Now all I have to do is wait until it hits 1 pm so I just used my remaining time to either read on Wattpad or watch videos.

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