37. Intensive care, don't care.

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Yet again, we're back at the hospital. When the medical team took Nathi to the hospital, we followed them, and now we're waiting for the doctor to call us to come see him, which does not take time.

"You can come see him", the doctor tells us. It's the same one from yesterday.

We follow her to Nathi's room and she gestures us inside before walking away.

He's awake, machines beeping with his heartbeat and a drip transfering to his body. "Come in", he says, his voice gravelly and we stride to him, standing beside his bed.

He adjusts his position with a groan.

"How are you holding up?", Elsa asks.

He sighs heavily. "I'm... holding up", he answers, "I'm alive, thanks to you."

"It's my job."

I don't think I'm the only one feeling the tension in this room. Tumelo looks awkward but also has the it's not entirely my fault look. Nathi finally averts his eyes his to him.

"Man, I'm sorry for causing all this", Nathi says, "I should've never interjected between you and your brother."

Tumelo gulps. "It cool", he says calmly, his face serious. Nathi nods, the room silent and awkward again.

"So", he starts, forcing a smile, "superstitions huh?"

"Yeah", we say all together.

"I guess I got caught up in his bad lucks?", he points to Tumelo, who still has a serious face.

We all keep quiet, no brief chuckles or nods. We just stare at me awkwardly, as if we resent him.

"Okay, I'll start", he says. "During my research, I found that Mmoya village is some sort of enchanted village", he explains. "It posseses strong mystical and ancestral energy."

"Explains the name", Jason says.

"Yes", Nathi seconds, "Mmoya is a Nguni name--- from the Ndebele language--- meaning spirit."

"Okay and what's the history?", Elsa says, taking a seat on the chair next to him.

"Mmoya village is an old village, people have lived there for centuries and the village has a history--- a mystical one, about superstitions being a real thing."

"Meaning that every superstitious behaivior there is, can actually influence your fate when you reside there?", Jason asks.

"Yes", Nathi affirms. "In my studies, there was a module--- Mystics101--- and there's a chapter there that contained a brief article about the people of Mmoya village", he lets out a smile, "that's why I got very interested when you told me about what has been happening to you and that you actually live there", he explains.

"Yeah, well, we're not the only ones there", I say, "there are others, too and some of them died yesterday, Friday the thirteenth and all."

"Oh", he frowns.

"You didn't hear about it in the news?", I ask, then regret asking because this guy doesn't look like someone who watches the news.

"No, I didn't", he says, "I'm not much of a news fanatic."

"Shocker", Tumelo taunts, and Elsa gives him a scowl which he ignores. He sighs. "You think the government knows about the village's history?", he asks.

"Maybe, maybe not", he says, "even if they do know, they're probably indifferent about it. I mean, even you guys didn't believe in these things a few months ago."

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