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It had been three years since class 1A had graduated form UA and all were officially pro heros

Midoriya's POV

Uraraka, Iida and I went out drinking for the night. When we arrived started to talk about how much our lives have changed. We heard the door to the bar open. We see a man with white and red hair and a female with long black hair and knew who they were imidiatly.
I wave at them and signal for them to sit by us
"Hello everyone, it's so nice to see you all" Momo said greeting us
"It's been so long since we last saw each other" Todoroki said.
They both take a seat and we ordered our drinks
"Oh! I suppose Sho hasn't told you yet!" Momo said
"Hm? About what Momo-chan?" Uraraka asked

"Sho and I are engaged!"

Those words scared me, I don't know why. My stomach was churning
"That's amazing, I wish the best for you" Iida cheered
"Deku... Are you ok?" Uraraka asked
"U-uh yeah... Um when did this happen" I say trying to not focus on my feelings

"Our parents arranged it, we were both delighted to hear the news, right Sho" Momo replys
Todoroki nods in agreement
I could feel myself getting sick
"E-excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom" I shot up from my seat and run to the bathroom, tears rolling down my face. I couldn't understand why I was crying.

I remember I had a crush on Todoroki back in UA and we even shared a kiss once. I remember it like it was yesterday.
Todoroki and I were in the park studying for a test, we both looked at each other and leaned in. After that we never talked about it... I'm guessing Todoroki hated it.

I hear the bathroom door open to see Todoroki, just my luck
"Midoriya? Are you ok?"
I whipe away my tears
"Y-yeah, s-sorry about that" I apologise
"No you're not you're crying" he says as he whipes my tears away and I blush a bit.
"If you still like me-" I cut him off
"No I don't.... I've just been really stressed lately" I lied

He looks at me with a concerned look.
"I understand if you have feelings for me especially after our kiss-"
"Shut up!" I snapped
"Can we just not talk about this" I say leaving the bathroom leaving Todoroki shocked.

I walk back to the table
"Uraraka,Iida and Momo I'm really sorry, I don't feel well so I'll be leaving" I say

I leave before anyone could answer and rush back to my apartment. As soon as I locked the door I flopped onto my bed and sigh. I feel more tears in my eyes and start to cry


I wake up to a knock on my door and sit up
"I'm coming!" I yell as i walk to the door. I open to see Todoroki
"Midoriya can I please just talk" he pleaded
I sigh and let him in. As soon as I close the door Todoroki kisses me causing me to blush and making me confused

I try to push him off
"Todoroki you're engaged!" I scold.
"I didn't want this" he says kissing me again
"I didn't want anything to do with Momo or my father, I only want to be with you" I stood there in shock. I shake my head
"Todoroki-" I get cut off by Todoroki kissing me again a this time more deeply.
"Please I just want to stay here for an hour with you" he begged
"Please don't make this harder than it already is" I sigh
He holds me in a tight embrace and I hear small sobs coming from him. I stroke his hair to make him calm down.
"F-fine, I'll let you stat but only a little bit" I say. He kisses me once more
"Thank you Izuku" he says making me blush.

Todoroki ended up staying the rest of the day

"You should really go home, Momo is probably worried sick" I say
"Hmmm..... But I don't want to go...." He sounded like a child making me laugh.
I lead him too the door and kiss him.
"Oh Momo asked me to give this to you"he says giving me an envelope. My expression changed as I could tell what this envelope was for, it was for their wedding. I feel teas well up in my eyes
"I-Izuku...." Todoroki hugged me
"I'm sorry, I'm being childish" I apologise. Todoroki looks at me with a sad smile and kisses me before leaving


I only saw Todoroki again at his wedding. I see most of my classmates at the wedding. Whenever I tried to speak to Todoroki he ignored me or walked the other way making my heart sink.
The wedding was about to start and everyone sat down.
Momo walked in wearing a beautiful white dress and a vail hanging down her face.

The both said said their vows
"Do you, Momo Yazorazu take Shoto Todoroki to be your husband."
"Yes" she replied
"Shoto Todoroki do you take Momo Yazorazu to be your wife"
There was no answer
"Yes..." He eventually says making it feel like thousands of knives have stabbed me.

A few hours later when Momo was talking to to their guests, Todoroki pulled me to the bathroom
"H-Hay-" I was about to yell when Todoroki hugged me. I try to push him away
"You clearly didn't want to talk to me so why now" I snapped.
Todoroki stood there in shock.
He grabs my hands
"I'm sorry but I..... Couldn't let myself get distracted..." He says miserably
He cups my cheek and was about to kiss me when I stopped him
"You're married now Todoroki, you can't do this to Momo" I scold

"After this.... I don't think we should talk again except for missions" I say looking away nearly crying. I leave the bathroom and the ceremony for that fact.

After that Todoroki and I hardly spoke to each other

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