Fantasy AU

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Izuku Midoriya was a boy who's mother was a simple baker in a small town. But that all changed when his mother got married to his idol, King Toshanori. He was the most famous king there was, he had lots of land that he ruled over, but he was also known for his kindness.
Midoriya was still nervous around his new 'dad', but he couldn't help it he was his idol.To celebrate his parents marriage they held a ball, where everyone from neighboring lands could come.

The night of the ball had arrived and Izuku got dressed in his finest suit. It was white with a green sachet to go with it. He put on his crown which he was still not used to wearing.
He heard a knock on his door, he opened it to find his mother standing there.
'Izuku are you ready' she asks
Midoriya was never that social after he was bullied when he was younger but continued to stay positive
"Yes mom!" He said smiling.
"You should head down stairs, guests are already arriving!" She says while walking away.

Midoriya took a deep breath and went to greet some of the guests.
But suddenly he was pulled a side by King Toshanori.
"Izuku my boy, there is someone I want you the meet" he says while smiling.
They both walked to red haired man and his son who had white and red hair.
"King Enji, how have you been" Toshanori greets with a smile. The man with red hair who was King Enji didn't look pleased.
"What was it you wanted" he grunted
"I thought our sons could meet"
Midoriya was frozen in place.

Midoriya's POV

I've heard of King Enji, he is also quite famous. He had 4 children but his youngest son, Todoroki, was the most popular. He seemed really nice but when I saw him infront of me he seemed cold and his eyes had not sparkle in them.
"H-hello I am Izuku Midoriya" I stutter while holding out my hand. Todoroki looked at me with a blank face.
"Shoto Todoroki" he replies making me nervous.
"You boys should go, King Enji and I will be catching up" Toshanori says.

I scratched the back of my neck
"I-" I got interrupted by Todoroki
"I am not here to talk with you, I only came because my father forced me" He says sending a sharp pain to my heart. I nervously laugh
I thought that he was really nice but I guess that isn't the case.
"Well.... We're supposed to get along... Can we atleast try to?" I ask politely

He glares at me and starts walking in the opposite direction making me feel like an idiot
"Are you coming?" Prince Shoto asks and making me shocked. I nod and follow him to the royal garden

"So... I heard you have 3 other siblings-"

"Only 2...." Shoto said with a sad expression
"Are you... Ok?" I ask
"Yeah... It's nothing..." He replies. I look him directly in the eyes.
"Your eyes.... They are really pretty" I blurted out making both of us blush
"Th-thanks...." Shoto says.

The rest of the night we got to know each other better and I fell for him each second

"You know... I wasn't looking forward to this, but you make me really glad I came" he says sending butterflies to my stomach. I smile and without realizing it I was holding Shoto's hand.
"You must really like me" he teases and I look away blushing
"S-sorry" I apologize
Shoto makes me face him and our faces away from each other. I blysh immensely.
Our lips touch for a brief second. I sat there in shock
"Um... Sorry... I couldn't resist..." He apologized

I kiss his cheek
"I-I don't mind..." I replied
I rest my head on his shoulder and we both stay silent
We hear foot steps that belonged to a girl with short brown hair, wearing a pink dress.
"A-are you Prince Izuku" she asks
I stand up
"Yes, how may I help you?" "Your father sent me to tell you that you must do your speech" she says
Shoto stands up and we all go to the ball room

After I gave my speech I see King Enji walking towards me with a sturn look on his face. I froze in place
"Where were you and my son" he asks
"I-in the royal garden s-sir" I stutter
"I don't want you to talk to my son again" he demanded
I question why but King Enji turns away not answering my question

The night was over and all the guests were leaving.

I go up to my room and change into my night wear. I see a small rock it my window repeatedly making me nervous. I walk over to see Shoto out side by my window.
"W-what are you doing here!?" I question
I let him in
"I'm sorry I had to see you" he says
"What do you mean?" I ask. He holds my hands
"I know we only met to day  but I have fallen deeply for you" he says making me blush
"Please... Let me stay here, I can't stay with my wicked father anymore"
"Couldn't of you waited to tell me tomorrow" I giggle
He hugs me and I hug back

The next day we tell my parents Shoto's situation and they gladly let him stay.

And from then on we lived happily ever after

The ending is a bit lazy but I hope you enjoyed it anyways

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