Till death do us part

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"I-I'm so nervous what do I do Uraraka!" Izuku said practically shouting. Nothing was going the way he planned it
"Today was supposed to be perfect"

8 hours before

Shoto woke up to the beautiful sight of his fiance.
"Morning Izu" he whispered as he brushed the hair out of his face. Midoriya soon stirred awake and he yawned
"Hmmm morning Sho" the fluffy haired male replied.
"Today is the big day, you excited" Todoroki asked. Izuku sat up
"Of course! Who wouldn't be excited for their wedding?" He smiled and kissed his lover's forehead.
"I'm excited too" Todoroki said smiling as well.

They both got up and did all the essentials. After finishing they head to their car and drove to the venue that they were holding their wedding at.
"Uraraka, Iida, Tsuyu, Kacchan and Kirishima should be here soon" Deku said. Todoroki held Midoriya's face gently
"I love you so much" he said
"S-save it for our vows Sho" Izuku giggled earning a light peck on the lips from his partner.
"Haaaayyyy guys!" Kirishima walked in arm-in-arm with Bakugou
"Ejirou, Kacchan, we're so happy you could come!" Deku said
"It's not like I wanted to come..." Bakugou mumbled
"Aw don't be like that Katsuki" Kirishima smiled at his husband causing the blonde to sigh

"Deku!" Midoriya heard a high pitched voice say. It was Uraraka and she arrived with Tsuyu and Iida.
"Come on Deku, let's get you ready for your big day" She said dragging both him and Kirishima to the changing room.
"Katsuki, Tenya get Shoto ready!" Uraraka shouted.
"Here!" Ochako shoved a green tuxedo in Izuku's face
"Go get changed so long"


"Izuku you look amazing!" Kirishima said
"Thank yo-" Midoriya was cut off by his phone ringing
"Hello this is Izuku Midoriya, how can I help you?..... What.. Oh ok, thank you" Deku hung up the phone
"What's wrong Deku?" Ochako asked
"Oh it's just the musicians can't make it, but that's ok"
He then got a second call
"Hello.... What do you mean that you don't have the cake?..... But-... Yes understood" he sighed
"Now we don't have a cake"
Midoriya was starting to get anxious. Then there was a knock on the door. Uraraka opened it to see one of the staff standing there.
"Hello, excuse me but there are not enough chairs for all the guests" the staff member said
"O-oh thank you" she said closing the door. At this point Deku was about to loose it
"The rings! I left them at home" Midoriya said breaking down into tears

"I-I'm so nervous what do I do Uraraka!" Izuku said practically shouting. Nothing was going the way he planned it
"Today was supposed to be perfect"
Uraraka stroked her friends back
"Shh Deku, it's ok"
"Um... Izuku... I actually have the rings, I don't know if you remembered but you gave them to me a week ago-" Kirishima was cut off by Deku hugging him
"Th-thank you so much Ejirou!" He thanked

They continued to get ready


"It's time Izuku" his mother said walking in. Him, his mother and All Might arm-in-arm. When they reached the end of the aisle Izuku held Shoto's hand
"You look amazing" Shoto whispered
"So do you" Izuku whispered back

The preach said his speach then the two said their vows
"Shoro Todoroki, do you take Izuku Midoriya to be you husband
"Yes" Shoto said
"Izuku Midoriya, do you take Shoto Todoroki to be your husband"
"Yes" Midoriya replied
"I now pronounce spouses, you may now kiss"

The two of them then shared a passionate kiss while the crowd cheered.
Their lives were now complete

The end

Hi guys! Thank you so much for reading these one shots. I hope you enjoyed them, but unfortunately this is the end of 'My TodoDeku one shots"

I love you guys
Have a good day/night

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