Chapter 11

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"Well, well, well. Spreading lies about my brother and I, are we?

The voice comes from behind us. I barely dare to look because, by the looks on the campers' faces, it's not good. But, I do look, along with the others on the stage. It's a male figure, and he's... Different to Chaos, and Void. He's... Fluro pink. He notices us staring, and turn defensive.

"Well, it was the only colour left, so don't judge!" A few people crack a smile, and Leo even laughs. The warriors stay serious though, and everyone notices, and stops smiling.

"Order, you should be in the Void! Flu- Percy banished you there, along with Chaos, with Void's help!" Zoë says in a strong voice.

"Yeah nah. Besides, how do you know Ancient Gibberish?"

"Ancient Gibberish? Do you mean Ancient Kekosongan?" Luke chimes in.

"Ancient Kekosongan, schmongan. It's a made up language. Did my brother teach you it? Because it's not real." Zoë stares at him in shock, her mouth open. Before she can speak, another person does.

"Who are you?" Zeus asks, as full of himself as usual.

"I'm Order." Order replies, as if it's extremely obvious. Actually, now that I think about it, it is. Zoë regains her voice and speaks.

"Actually, Lord Void taught me Kekosongan. It can't be made up because he's on our side!" Order looks at her in disbelief, then surprises us all by laughing heartily.

"That's a good one. Dad on your side. Yeah right!" We all look at him in shock, and Zoë stutters,

"B-But..." Order laughs again.

"Foolish girl. Father is on our side. And now we have your puny leader." He sneers, then disappears in a cloud of pink smoke (like a certain goddess...)


I look at the Iris message. Grey. Just grey. There was a brief glimpse of Percy at the beginning, but no more. Everyone is using up their drachmas trying to get a glimpse at Percy. Even the warriors, with almost unlimited drachmas, are nearing the 'broke' stage.

After Order disappeared, the amphitheatre turned into chaos. Not the real, evil one, but yeah. People started leaving to try and IM Percy, while the warriors and I stayed on the stage, too caught up in planning how to get Percy out to even sit. Unfortunately, we couldn't think of even one plan. Beckendorf volunteered information on the layout of the cells, as he had helped make, or fix, many. The warriors thought it was hopeless trying to break him out, as they had seen how the cells were guarded during their time as warriors. They still wanted to though. And that's where I came in. I was to get my whole cabin to plan. Any way. But the problem was, and still is, that we had no idea where Percy was being kept. For all we knew, he was being kept in the Void! Soon after we reached this conclusion, we broke up to try and IM Percy, resolving to meet again tomorrow.

The Iris Message suddenly flashed gold, then white, then big silver letters appeared.

Give up looking. It is hopeless.

A/N A short chapter is better than no chapter, right? Chapter will be dedicated to Lou_Ellen_ when I get on a computer blah blah. Now, skip this next bit if you don't want to hear my excuses.
I'm on holidays now, and I've had friends around, and it's rude to write when you have friends over, right? Also, my auntie was due to have her baby yesterday, but the midwife thought that it would be early, and we've all been on high alert, and at her house in the city. I was in holiday without wifi for a while, and lastly, there's been a massive bushfire really close to my house, and we were afraid that we would have to evacuate (it's gone the other way now, but we still see the water bomber planes fly over) and I was to highly strung to write. Anyways, I'm sorry for not updating for ages.
Peace Out!

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