Chapter 1

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(A/N): made changes to the first chapter as the direction of the story is different than when I first planned to be.

On that fantastic starry night, where the moon held court amidst the clouds, Izuku Uchiha faces tragedy. His breath whisked away as he entered into his home to see everything taken away from him. Izuku saw all of it entirely, all the blood, all the smoke, all the fire. He ran wildly through every district, store, school, and police station, finding everything on fire. He stood under a burning building—his home, ready to topple above him. The wood creaked and cried. It sobs as Izuku stands in disbelief.

That night, many heroes couldn't believe that the Uchiha Clan was gone and up in flames. The Uchiha were one of the oldest and strongest clans in Japan. In less than one night, it was all gone. The once-proud Uchiha Clan is nothing but blood and ash, and the only one who survived it was the child of the head of the Uchiha Clan's Son, Izuku Uchiha. There was a problem. He should've died along with them.

Izuke lay on the floor as the flames thrived and smoke ate more atmosphere. Izuku asked himself Why is everything happening? Why is the world taking everything away from him? A boom break shatters overhead as a beam splits off from the ceiling, toppling Izuku and trapping him underneath a pile of burning debris. Fire dances around Izuku. It laughs with glee as it creeps over the bodies of his parents lying in the room not too far from him.

The roof erupted in a fiery blast—fragments of Izuku's life and memories scattered in all directions. The moon emerged, casting its light upon Izuku, offering a fleeting glimpse and staring at Izuku. The beam pinning Izuku down mysteriously lifted, separating itself from him.

All Might stand above him with a smile of a thousand suns and the beam high above his head. He did not need to say his famous catchphrase, for All Might's presence already said it. In one scoop, All Might grabs Izuku and leaps from the burnt building into the triage center. Izuku watches as his home collapses in a massive ball of smoke and ash floating skyward
First responders take Izuku to Mustafa's General Hospital with an oxygen mask on his face. They wondered how long the boy lay under the fire.


Izuku steps into his classroom, his gaze fixed on the pages of a black book. His unruly, dark hair matches his disorganized appearance. He wore a black uniform. He wore it unbuttoned. Of course, the teachers always commented on his style, but it was his clothes.
Anyway, the teachers should be lucky he came to school today. Izuku grew into a good-looking fellow, but Izuku didn't care about looks as long as he was comfortable.

As Izuku strolled into class, his classmates whispered gossip, mostly likely untrue gossip. But who cared? They love drama, and no one brings more drama than Izuku Midoriya—the adopted, rich, quirkless boy. Anyone who finds that tidbit out automatically distances themselves from him. Who wants to be near him? They say it all the time. Izuku's a troublemaker.

He causes fights for no reason. They say Izuku Midoriya is in a gang. Be careful what you say around Izuku Midoriya, or he'll go berserk and beat you. Izuku barely considers All Might as any father figure. He has never been there. All Might may have saved Izuku, which he thanked him for, but that does not mean he has to like him. He does not take Inko's place. Izuku hates reminiscing, but staring at Katsuki's face brings a bit of malice against him. Before everyone learned of him, they were as thick as thieves despite being quirkless. Katsuki never cared about quirks until later, until people praised him like a king. Bloated his ego like an airship

Katsuki didn't know much about Izuku when they first met, other than that he had been through a couple of homes, so he heard from his mom. Katsuki first saw Izuku during the first year of primary school; one of Katsuki's buddies pushed Izuku around. He was twice the size of Izuku, yet he seemed unbothered. Izuku said something to his buddy that made him mad. He went for a large hook, but Izuku roared and struck him in the nuts. Despite his size, Katsuki's buddy dropped to the floor. Katsuki had never laughed so hard. Tears flew straight out of his eyes

He ran up to Izuku, "Hey!" Katsuki yelled, "That was some nice fighting!" Katsuki slaps Izuku's shoulder, "You're my friend now; I am katsuki Bakugou!"

Izuku hasn't smiled like that in a while, "I am Izuku u-Midoriya."

It can never be like that anymore.

After Izuku takes his seat, the teacher strolls into class with a stack of papers almost blocking his sight. The teacher hates drama, and Izuku causes the most drama. Therefore, he dislikes Izuku. Yet he keeps his personal feelings out of the workplace. Or so the teacher says. However, the teacher makes school horrible with extra work and after-school classroom chores every other day. Always volunteering him, it's always Izuku Midoriya.

"Settle down, everyone. It's time for roll call." As the teacher calls for attendance, Kastuki burns holes into the back of Izuku's head. He can feel Katsuki staring daggers but puts that thought elsewhere. School is more important than connections. It is a phrase Izuku tells himself one too many times.

"You all may be seated," the teacher says, "you all are third years now, and it's time to think about your futures." he scoffs as a grin appears on the teacher's face, "But who cares about that when everyone wants to be a hero!"

The class roars excitedly, showing off their quirks left and right—except Izuku and Katsuki.

"Alright, class, settle down. It's illegal to use quirks without a license. Now, I wanted to begin by saying..." the teacher takes a paper from the stack, "Oh my, Bakugou, I didn't know you were applying for UA, but I shouldn't be surprised by your quirk and skills."

Bakugou leaps from his desk, "Of course, teach, I am the best. And to become the best, I must go to the best school. Then I will beat All Might and become the Number One Hero in the world!"

"Oh, Midoriya applied for UA as well." the class halts any noise, and for a second, it's all peaceful. It was only for a second.

The class explodes into laughter—a few drops to the floor. The laughter does not faze Izuku. He expected it to come.

"Deku! Why do you think your quirkless ass can compete with me?" Katsuki jumps from next to his desk and leaps past two rows of chairs, landing next to Izuku. He grabs Izuku by the collar and lifts him to his level. "Who do you think you are? You are not better than me."

"Let go, Kacchan." Izuku says softly yet sternly, "I am not trying to compete with you. Teacher, please tell him which study I am applying to."

The teacher takes a second read, "Izuku Midoriya is applying to UA, not to the hero department. It says here he is applying under the general studies department."

Katsuki lets go of Izuku's collar and returns to his seat desk. The tension is thick. One could only cut it with a sword. "You're lucky we're in the classroom, Deku."

Class passes by rather quickly. Not quick enough. At dismissal, the teacher called Izuku to the front. "Izuku, you have to room clean up, stay after class, and when you're done, come to my office and tell me before arriving home."

Katsuki is gone and left with his clique, hyping Katsuki's everything. His quirk, his smarts, athleticism, everything you can name. Classmates left with friends. Even the loners called someone in another classroom. Then, it was Izuku who was left alone by himself.

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