Chapter 2

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Izuku's room is dark, and unfamiliar smells and beeping attack his senses. A mask covers his mouth; where is he?  A window on Izuku's left shows the city lighting up like a Christmas tree. An unusual amount of helicopters soar through the air. They swirl around a massive red flare with floodlights searching up and down the streets.

As he looks down at his body, wires connected to more wires stick to him. The door on the far right corner slides open at the same the light in the room turns on. It is a nurse—a lizard one at that, wearing teal medical scrubs. She has a clipboard. Her eyes meet with Izuku, "Oh my, you're awake." she says as she takes a TV, a controller-like object, from her pocket and presses it as if there were a button.

"Hi, how are you?" Izuku couldn't speak. He didn't know what to say. What should he say?

"It's okay. You do not have to speak."

"I am okay."  was that the right thing to say? He didn't know, but Izuku did not want to be alone.

"You can speak," she teases, "What is your name?"

Izuku takes a second before responding, "Izuku Uchiha."

"Great. Now, Uchiha-san, can I get your father's and mother's names?"

Izuku choked when she said father and mother. His memories come back in full force. Their bodies are all black, no longer human—a blend of charcoal and blood. He watches their dead bodies before the fire gets out of hand and takes away their love from him.

"Don't ask such a triggering answer, Ms. Na," a deep, soft voice enters the room, erasing the increasing brick climbing inside Izuku's throat. "Our patient here has just been through a horrible experience."

"Sorry, doctor." Ms. Na bows to the doctor, "No, apologize to Izuku here." Ms. Na turns back to Izuku and bows, "Sorry, Uchiha-san." she says before leaving the room.

The doctor is old and also a turtle. His wrinkles seem exaggerated as well as his long white hair comes from the doctor's eyelashes and the side of the doctor's mouth. He wore a black turtle neck with a white surgeon's clock.

"Izuku, could you tell me what happened tonight at home?" the doctor got closer, using his quirk to calm him. But it has no effect—a first. Izuku heart rate increases, and so does the beeping.

Whatever happened to him, whatever trauma, Izuku is more potent than his calming quirk. He feels sorry for the boy.


"What was that, Izuku?"

"It was Itachi-ni. Itachi-ni killed everyone." Izuku says, tears rolling off his face. As those memories surfaced, torturing him every time he wanted to visit a happy memory. Why could he be a normal kid?

The doctor's eyes bulge to find out who killed the Uchiha—Izuku's own brother. The doctor must tell the police. That was the reason he came to the room. But who knew it was Itachi? The hero commission's favorite dog.


Izuku would rather be the first to leave school, but his teacher has to make him a maid. He was mopping the floors, wiping the desks, emptying the garbage cans, cleaning the chalkboard, and cleaning the chalk erasers so much for one person. While Izuku would like to complain, no one would listen, much less humor him. Izuku takes it as it is. Its quite annoying.

His phone buzzes inside his pocket. It is Inko. Asking when he is coming back home. Inko is the most extraordinary woman he has ever met. She takes in Izuku on her own while already supporting her own child. No hero is braver than her. Not even All Might.

As Izuku finishes up the classroom, he walks to his teacher's office, where he is there grading their tests from today. The teacher does not like Izuku for the trouble he brought, but there is one good quality he has—his grades are top-tier. It's only comparable to Katsuki.

Three knocks on the teacher's office, and he sees Izuku with bits of chalk in his hair and clothing.

"I am done," Izuku says

"Good, good. You may be off and return home. And please try not to get yourself into trouble, Midoriya. You're a good kid. Keep it that way."

Once outside the school, Izuku marches home. But he does not take the fastest way home. Why? For the solidarity. Not many walk this path; there are fewer people, cars, and thugs, as well as classmates who will try to rile him up.

From his bag, Izuku takes a black book out. Its words are almost impossible for anyone to read except for a Uchiha.

His eyes are one of the most enhanced in the country. While everyone in the world, other than a few, believes the lie that Izuku Midoriya is quirkless, Izuku practices every day. One day, he will avenge his clan. Not today. Not tomorrow. But within his life. Maybe Izuku will not have to avenge. Perhaps All Might will finally carry out his promise.

Izuku comes to a little underpass that looks like it will crumble at any moment—only supported by the weeds growing in its cracks and the pipes along the walls, ending at an opened maintenance hole cover.

The pipes are old—all green copper. Izuku can hear the rickety pipes leak, especially the ones above. Dropping the ugly green-gray sewer water. Izuku wonders how much maintenance is done here—probably not much.

The pipes must be broken—large blobs of sewer water crash near him, buckets at a time. An ungodly odor rushes Izuku's nose, making him tear up. At least the exit is right there—he races for the exit, one foot in front of the other.

"Where are you going?" a voice from the calls to Izuku as he looks up.  A puddle hangs in from the pipes stretching across the entire ceiling—a smile ear-to-ear matching with veiny bug-eyes staring at him.

It drops to Izuku's level, releasing water across the underpass with some landing on Izuku. From the blob,   two tendrils sprout from its back. Its laugh shakes the loose pebbles, "You look like a good enough shield to hide from himself. Now, be nice. This will only hurt if you struggle. Now die!"

The tendrils fly at him with jet-like speed inside the small cavern that is the underpass. In an instant, Izuku's eyes change form from opal to scarlet eyes with black comma shapes tattooed into the pupil connected by a single black ring. Two commas on one eye and one on the other.  The Sharingan.

The tendril's immense speed disappears as Izuku easily evades the two tendrils. Izuku then makes a run for the exit. There isn't a way for Izuku to combat the villain—his body isn't solid. Izuku has no weapons because Inko will not let him take any to school. Bothersome. At his level, Izuku could only dodge. But for Izuku, avoiding is more manageable than breathing.

"What a rat! Just stay still!" it said.

As Izuku reaches the underpass's exit, he crashes into what feels like a brick wall.

"Do not worry, Izuku!" All Might stand high over Izuku. The sludge monster drops his grin as he recalls its tendrils. A foreboding shadow blanks the beast. It wanted to retreat, but fear clouded its mind. Nerves giving wrong orders, how does it get out?

In a blink of an eye, All Might sprints to the villain with his arm cocked back as a massive concussive force pierces through its liquid body. Sludgy swear water stains the walls, floor, and Izuku. Although it's not dead, it wishes it was.

"I'm sorry, Izuku, for letting you be caught in the middle of my chase. I hope he did not touch you." All Might tips a small bow toward Izuku as he reaches into his pocket, seizing two 2 litter bottles.

"Could you do me a small favor? And help me capture him?" All Might says. Izuku isn't sure how to react. He evaded the villain's attacks for a few seconds, maybe less.  All Might should work by himself for dirtying Izuku's clothes.

Izuku decides to help him anyway.


So, for this fanfic, I'm not sure if I want Izuku to go down a villain path or the hero path

But that won't come up for a while, so thank you for reading

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