Chapter 7

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A/N: This chapter is a bit slow. But it has a purpose. But it's going to build up to UA, and eventually the USJ arc. I got something cooking here. Just you wait.

Pain. There was so much pain swarming Izuku's body, crawling from head to toe. There's a throbbing pulse stabbing at his brain. It's stabbing all around. Izuku's side made it hurt to breathe. Of course, Izuku had to be a target. Why couldn't he be left alone and be normal for once? He shakes his head. Izuku shouldn't think like that. Except, maybe he should. If he hadn't run away from his problems, none of that would've happened. He's a coward.

Izuku can call himself all the names he wants, but he must tell All Might about the bus driver. Whatever he did to him, those few seconds felt like insanity.

The hospital room is quiet. The morning doves chirp their hymns as the sun sneaks into his room, basking him in a comfortable warmth. Bandage wraps are on every wound on Izuku's body. His arm was in a cast. He could feel numbing cream around his legs. The room was warm. It seemed like a hospital room but more furnished and home-like, with wooden floorboards and soft chision armchairs surrounding his bed. The room seemed to be made to bring comfort. Izuku doesn't know why a hospital room would require that as they are for patients to recover. It seemed more like a room for a V.I.P., which Izuku was not. Nor deserved or desired to be a V.I.P.

It was probably All Might's doing.

Izuku wonders how Inko is fairing. Is she angry? Most likely. And why wouldn't she? Izuku exploded during dinner because they told him to express his feelings. To think Izuku thought he was mature. But he's still a snot-nosed child. It's not like he doesn't want to open up. Izuku doesn't like to burden them. Inko has to be responsible for both Akane and him. Akane should focus solely on her schoolwork and not on him. No matter what her quirk senses.

Another thought peered through. Of course, Izuku can't do anything but think. Why did he see Itachi? His older brother. Was it a dream? Maybe not. Izuku suddenly found himself teleported outside the city. Then again, he ran far. Farther than he has ever run before. You could call it a fugue state. If it was a fugue state, it's the most violent one in recorded history.

Footsteps echoed down the halls. There are many—at least six people. One heavy man stepping harder than an elephant. You could tell it was a man by the way he stomped. He's rushing. The rest of the party quickly followed behind. By the way, their steps are uneven, and without rhythm, they can't keep up with the large man. Their voices are whispered. A couple of shushes and hushed arguing.

"All Might," he's here, "you can't rush in." the womanly voice cried softly. "You may be the number one hero, but without Sensei's permission, no one can enter."

All of their moment comes to a complete halt. "That boy is my responsibility. Under Law, I am his guardian. Are you telling me the guardian cannot see the boy? Is this how a hospital runs? By keeping families apart?" All Might says.

Family, Izuku thinks. All Might doesn't call the two of them family. Inko is also his guardian. But she doesn't heave around the fact they're family by law. Only All Might does. Of course, he only waves that fact around when it's convenient for him. All Might hasn't been family in a long time. But now—"I am here!" All Might slams the door open. The windows shake slightly. He used too much of his brute strength.

"Izuku, my boy, I'm glad you're alright. How are you doing?" his smile is wide like usual, grinning from ear to ear. His laughs are haughty. He looks over to the nurse. All Might give her a slight now before looking back to Izuku.

Izuku pauses briefly before responding," I'm doing fine, All Might." Izuku looks away toward the window. He could see the tops of lush trees brimming with activity. Leaves shake and fall off while birds zoom in and out. The wind crashes into the mighty tree.

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