Chapter 5

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What happened?

Izuku's skull hums, numbing; sweat rolls down his cheek as Izuku baskets in the gleaming moonlight on top of large hills of grass dancing to the wind. Izuku found himself nowhere. What was this place? A few trees stand tall near him. What happened to the forest of giant oak? His head aches as if it were to explode. Izuku's throat was drier than a raisin. He strolls past the dancing hills and sees a bus stop far and small, stalled beside an unkept road. Crickets sing a hymn across the sky. City lights illuminate miles down the road, seeming so tiny that Izuku could grasp every building in his palm. His clothes are wet and covered in mud. His shoes are gone. Izuku left and leaped from his home with nothing to protect his feet. What a fool he is.

He mustn't stand here any longer. Daybreak occurs in a few hours. That's when Inko will awake and be ready for work. She continuously checks upon Izuku during his sleep before leaving. Sometimes she's too good. Izuku stretches his arms and legs, pulling any stiff muscles. Hopefully, there's a bus coming soon. There was no way Izuku could run home, not in time. He springs into action, wind wiping by as he rushes past the hill onto the road in half a minute. Izuku halts himself just before the asphalt, taking a second to catch his breath. He looks both ways but to his dismay. There aren't any buses, most likely not until morning.

The gleaming moonlight disappears as gray storm clouds clashing against one another hover over it. Thunder grumbles, and a fresh, early aroma invades his senses; it's raining soon. A flash of lightning strikes the city, cutting the power to her lights while the thunder rolls. Izuku quickly stands under the bus stop with a short, punctured canopy and one long bench. Izuku scans his wear again: a dirty, muddy, white shirt half with torn jeans sticking to his skin. He slants back, leaning on the walls of the bus stop.

A bus breaks in front of him as if someone teleported it there. Its doors swing open, showing a man in blue. He gestures for Izuku to enter. Immediately, Izuku searches around the bus and bus stop. Where does it come from? The bus engine roars, but it was silent only a minute ago. "Enter, kid." the driver says, "This is my last route, and I was to go home." His voice is crisp like he was dehydrated.

Izuku waits a moment to inspect every part of the bus and her driver. Suddenly, thunder cracks and rain begins to pour heavily. He slowly shuffles into the bus. The driver's broad smile is cracked and untrustworthy. His eyes are red, and his hair is white. He has two hands latched onto the wheel, but he has one finger of each hand covered in black tape for some reason. A buzzing sensation resonates throughout Izuku's body. Something isn't right. Something about this bus is wrong. Not only did the bus feel bad, but the rest of the night. And the pulses in his brain are unyielding. Izuku wanted to rip his eyes out and smash his skull until the pulsation and humming stopped. His body was still numb from something. Was it that dream?
"Where to?" the driver hums, enthusiastic to do his job. Izuku snaps out of his head, "Take me near Tatooine Station, and I'll figure it out from there."

"Alright then."

The bus hisses as it roars and moves down the one-way street. Rain pitterpatters and smacks along the windows while thunder cranked again. The hairs on his back stand. They tingle, tingles that you would want to scratch but never go away appear. The bus is empty. It's also spotless, and the windows have been recently waxed while the seats and every surface have been wiped. There's a smell of pine. The driver didn't ask any questions or comment about Izuku's dress. Maybe he wants to get the job over with already.

The bus departed no longer after Izuku got on. The engine coughs worse than an 80-year-old smoker as black smog barely visible explodes from the backside. The bus begins to move.

Izuku hung onto one of the railings on the roof. They passed the rolling hills. Every grass blade waved and danced as he left. The White-haired bus driver softly sang a familiar tune. Izuku didn't like it.

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