Chapter 4

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No other survivors. Only charred corpses remain. All Might saw two bodies hugging until the end. He can't imagine what thoughts ran through their heads as their murderer or murderers took their lives.

A Smoke-covered All Might strolled through the Uchiha square. Weapons littered the area, and blood puddles that were now dry stick to everyone's boots. The Uchihas didn't stand a chance. He looks at the starry night, watching clouds fly under the moon, blocking a bit of his sight. How is the boy? All Might wonders. He hopes the fire didn't do him harm. One would think after witnessing so many deaths. It would dull the ache in All Might's mighty heart—that is just wrong. His smile still gleams inside the twilight, keeping the search parties some strength. All Might is their beacon.

It's three hours since they arrived at the Uchiha village outside the city. All Might got the word that the Uchiha Police Division is gone. They're in the same condition as the village—dead.

How? How did the division die? The Uchiha police are as effective as heroes. This wasn't some random attack from deranged villains believing to be mightier than the world. This was coordinated. All Might thought only one man with the possible manpower and resources to launch an attack on this scale. But it's impossible. The man is dead, killed by All Might himself. Yet a foreboding feeling soaring over him said otherwise.

"All Might," an EMT runs up behind All Might, "I want to thank you for your help and to say that your heroes are no longer needed. We have enough manpower to continue the search for survivors. I do not mean to come off as rude, but may you leave the area. Maybe go check on that boy you saved a while ago. Or get some rest.  You look like you need some."

All Might stares at the EMT fit a second with no grin. The night coated his face with a layer of black. The EMT's heart begins to run as All Might's eyes gaze into his soul.

"Of course," All Might says as his regular grin returns, "I bid you good night."


Why did I leave them? Why can't I tell them anything? They're my family, Izuku, quit it! Just let them in! How hard can it be?

Akane is right. A storm of emotions flurries with Izuku. He hasn't changed. Izuku is just the same kid crying for his dead parents. He can't do anything right.
The darkness of the night seeps into Izuku's room as a red hue illuminates his eyes. His Sharingan reveals itself in full force, reaching his conflicting emotions. The room is too small for him. They can't contain Izuku's quiet outburst.

Izuku pulls the window open as a draft of calm wind thrashes against his face, throwing papers and small trinkets. He looks to the door. Behind is his family—the same family who cares for and loves him for all his many faults. Why are they so accepting of him?

Izuku leaps through the window, flying with the currents. For a second, he is free. Free of all of his anger, guilt, sadness, indecisiveness, and worry—all of it was gone in that second. Everything returns as he crashes and rolls across the street. The asphalt scratches Izuku's skin while his head bangs against the sidewalk. He sees three of everything. The world is turned upside-down. The Sharingan flashes, and his senses return. A small streak of scarlet blood leaks down Izuku's temple. He can't stay here.

He speeds down the street with untapped strength, accelerating Izuku. Like a machine, Izuku's body keeps an immense pace as flashes of fire spear through his mind. Izuku laughs with his brother, but he is stripped from his mind as he wakes up alone under a grass field, watching the violet hue clash with orange paints over the horizon.

The road ceases, replacing a thick dirt road passing through a field of ancient, titanous trees. How long has he been running? His breath left him like a boiling kettle. Sweat beads run down his neck and underarms as the fantastic night gropes his warm body. Izuku didn't bring his phone, and he never wore a watch. The moon is out in full force, illuminating the night. His eyes won't listen to him. They are still there. Turn off!

Wind currents drag forest debris over the bright moon while the night hawks soar through the twilight featuring prey. Should he go back? No. Not now. Maybe never.

Why is he thinking such thoughts? If he runs away every time life gets tough, then... Then what? Has he ever stood firm against an unstoppable force? When was the last time he wasn't dragged under the inescapable sea of guilt too thick to swim out of? Yet, Izuku knows there is a way for him to continue. There is hope. Hope, that's all Izuku has been doing. His entire life, Izuku hoped for a blessing, a miracle, or a hero. Hope his brother wasn't a mass murderer who killed his mother and father. Hope his brother wasn't the person he sent down this path. How cowardice.

The trees dance with the circling wind as nature's nightly music surrounds Izuku. Red eyes. These eyes are more of a curse than a gift. Sometimes. Izuku wants to rip them out. So much blood came from them. It's cold. He should go home. He knows they will accept him. Izuku must apologize.

The trees are strong. Stronger than Izuku will ever be. Being like a tree should be something Izuku should strive for. Yet they're so stationary. Unable to deroot themselves and haul elsewhere. Birds can escape to any place, anywhere, anytime. Maybe being a bird would allow Izuku to have that escape from everything.

His seriousness is only a facade. The true him lies in anxiety. He's stuck in the past. That black book of his is the only thing connecting him to his Uchiha roots. It's so hard to read without a sharingan. Can he escape?

Maybe escape isn't what Izuku should look for. His past hurts, yet there is something good about remembering their faces. Look past those charred bodies and bleeding walls. He doesn't only remember the worst of times, but he also remembers the best of times. Every hug, every smile, every game Izuku played with the other children, the school he used to go to. They may be gone, and Izuku may be empty without them in the present. There are times when Izuku cannot go on without them. How much can these ugly feelings go away? The present should be just as great as the past, if not more. His future is outlined. A new family is there to support him and his dreams. There is no need to rely on the past to continue moving forward. But there isn't any point in forgetting it. Birds have too much freedom. Tree, however strong they are, full of ignorance and stubbornness. Izuku can't have that.

"Your bleeding, Izuku," a deep voice rings through Izuku's head. Red streaks dissipate as Izuku looks around, trying to find who said those words. Or is he finally going insane?

"Izuku," the voice is there again. Sounding like the wind bouncing off steel plates, "I hope you have not forgotten about me."

The voice is clear and tenor. "You should head back, Izuku. It's cold. Mother and Father wouldn't like it if you ended up sick."

The drums inside Izuku's heart start louder and more intense rhythmic beats as his vision goes out of focus. Darkness seeps from all sides while his gut starts pulsating. A thousand slow stabs. That's how it feels. The floor beneath Izuku is gone. He starts falling into an infinite, black abyss. A billion Sharingan come into view, watching with disappointed stares as the skies contort into red skies. Swirls of black and red twist around Izuku, dragging him under a funnel before a bright light blinds izuku.

He still falls. Izuku slams into shallow water thicker than water but lighter than blood. The Moon is above him. So bright. So tainted as streaks of yellow branch away from the Moon like light beams down onto the Earth. Izuku is not trying to swim, but a barrier keeps him from diving deeper. Everything feels void. The billions of Sharingans override the red sunset-like sky blended with hues of orange.

The red liquid crawls onto to Izuku. It begins to transform, morphing into humanoid figures. Their faces bubble and explode. Why did they look like that? Their faces, every single one was an Uchiha he met. Mother, Father, the Store Owner, his school friends, the mother hugging her child in the alley. All of them. Crying and cheering bloody murder. Their overlapping voices strike his ear. It's all deafening. Young and old, deep and soft, familiar and lost. These voices all say the exact words. "Why do you run?" Then came Izuku's brother, not formed from the same liquid. No, his face, that face is something unforgettable. Bloody. The face of a massacreer returning to finish his work. From the palm of his hand is a sword covered in blood. Points at Izuku and in a singular moment, his brother impales Izuku.

"I am watching."

Izuku awakes in a field of damp grass outside the city—at least an hour or two away from his home. His head covered in sweat The moon is two-thirds of the way west. His head bangs. His heartbeat echoes up his skull and shakes his skull. Izuku looks around. There's a street past the hill with cars that pass by every hour or two.

What happened?

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