I rant about character designs and colorblindness for 800 words

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Hello welcome to my hell. 

-Everyone has such creative character ideas and I'm all for it tbh I love reading fics and seeing how people write and describe certain characters. Y'all have such amazing minds and it's amazing to see your thoughts. 

-One of my favorite examples for this would be Dream! There are so many different designs due to his MC skin and anonymity. Personally, I have a two favorites: one I saw in art and one I kinda make up myself. 

-First one, the one I saw in art (damn I wish I saved it so I can link it) would be longish haired Dream. I think it was slightly past shoulder-length in the art and I live for it. I like both Dream and Techno for long hair tbh. I also dig the whole tired, lowkey serial killer vibe for him. He's a Mess™️. Also freckles. Freckles are great I'm shaming you if you don't give Dream freckles. 

-NGL short hair is kinda boring after awhile. Give some male characters long hair, it's valid and I love it. 

-My 'design' isn't honestly even a design it's just something I thought was hilarious and it serves literally no point. Ok, here me out: Bakugou Katsuki. That's it. 

-What I mean about that is that Dream just looks like a green-eyed version of Bakugou. Definitely taller but it's like, you just look at this man and your like Bakugou Katsuki MHA??? That's it. 

-Going past Dream, I also live for Hybrid!Techno. Pig ears, tusks, pink hair? Good shit. Normal skin Techno has rights, but come on. I think it's hilarious when people draw Techno and he looks like an anime protag, it's what he would have wanted. I mentioned Techno with long hair before, so I would like to expand on it by saying this: ponytail. Give the man a ponytail. Also I've seen people draw Techno in high heels for some reason and can I just say that's fucking hilarious??? Imagine this half-pig man just sprinting at you in high heels while wielding a sword. Iconic. 

-Tangent but I find colorblind angst when it comes to George to be hilarious. As someone who is colorblind, I just find it funny. Personally, I've never seen my colorblindness as like. something sad and horrible. Make jokes out of it, it's funny!! I have a different type of colorblindness then George does, apparently he sees the world in like, sickly yellow shades? That's hilarious. I can't even see yellow. 

-If you write angst with George being colorblind that's cool and all, but also consider this: colorblind people can be such little shits. I, personally, go out of my way to harass people about colors. It's great. 10/10 would recommend. I should write a one-shot about this.

-Oh god how can I write colorblind George I. can't explain his colorblindness... Normal sighted people can like, look at pictures and go from there but I'm colorblind??? He sees the world in a color I can't see??? I see the world in a color he can't see? We out here suffering. 

-Me writing a one-shot focused on George's colorblindness: Colors Are Not Real. 

-Talking about George, let's move onto him. Most of his designs are similar, following his skin and irl uuuuuhh looks? Body? You get what I'm saying here. When it comes to designing a character based off the person, I like to change something about them to make a difference. Example: I write Bajan with red hair! 

-For George, I'm honestly not too sure?? I've seen blue-eyed George which is pretty cool, but also brown eyes are so pretty. Maybe heterochromia? 

-George voice: The only thing hetero about me is my eyes. 

-UNDERCUT GEORGE. You may be sitting there like 'Valley didn't you just get on us about short hair' and here is my answer: I do what I want. Give George a fluffy undercut. I'm crying. 

-Wilbur looks like Daniel Howell you can't change my mind. Both irl and character. 

-Sapnap with buns is canon and you cannot argue this. I will give you a disappointed look, try me. 

-George rolling up to the Dream Team being the only one with short hair. 

-Yes this means Bad has long hair. How long? No one truly knows. One day it's shoulder length and the next it's midback. He will not explain himself. 

-Height chart for Dream Team: Dream (6'3), Bad(6'0), Sapnap (5'11 so close yet so far), George (5'8). I will not call George short because he is taller than me and it wounds my pride. 

-Techno is 6'5 and yes, Dream will die mad about it. 

-Wilbur is the tallest at 6'6 because I think it's hilarious. Nerd hits his head all the time. George will not stand next to Wilbur. 

-I write Bad as a Fallen Angel which means he has wings!! They are huge and lowkey creepy-looking. Bad is very proud of them and likes to fly away from people when they curse. Yes, he will slap you with his wing. 

-ALSO BAD IS SCARY?? Like genuinely, Bad terrifies me. This man can throw knives let's chill. 

I'm tired goodnight

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